The weather is beginning to get cooler and when the alarm goes off for an early morning run, it's dark outside. But there's so much magic and majesty in the early morning hours and Monday morning miles are a great way to kick off a new day and a new week.
We finished our morning meditation and when I opened the shade, this is the sight that delighted my senses:

It was chilly but being hearty New Englanders we take our time in adding in layers so we will be warm when the temperatures plummet.
It was a glorious morning and the cool clean air was refreshing.
When we got to the Cleveland Circle Reservoir, we were treated to this spectacular sunrise and sights and sounds of daybreak:

Some runs are about training for an event and pushing the pace but Monday's morning miles were more about health and wellness, unplugged time with my bestie and finding solitude and peace in the early morning hours.
We talked about our daughter and her living with PANS, reflected on the beautiful experiences we had at the 6th Annual Middlemiss Big Heart 5K, and our friends, Kevin and Ali LaCoste and their beautiful family. We counted our blessings while being in awe of how resilient and strong people can be when that is the only choice. We reminisced of where I was in October of 2006. I was suffering with an array of symptoms suspecting that I could be experiencing symptoms of Post Polio Syndrome. In December of that year, my diagnosis was confirmed and I set out on a quest to heal my life. I know how every step is a gift and every mile is a blessing. I appreciate the gift of being able to get up and get out of bed and go on a run!
We took our traditional selfie with the beauty of the Reservoir providing the backdrop for our photo:

During our morning runs around the Reservoir, I am mindful to harness the power of the elements - water, air, earth and fire and send them out to all who need healing include Team McManus.
When we got home, the day {and us} was fully awake.
It may be a challenge to get the motor started early on a Monday morning as the seasons change, but oh those Monday Morning Miles are so worth the effort!
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website at
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and "Feel the Heal" and "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953" are available in Natick Center Cultural District at Paula Romero Dunbar's Celebration Boutique Paper Fiesta coincidentally located on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon Route.
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