After this morning's meditation, the sun was streaming through our bedroom window. As I have done on so many mornings, I wanted to capture the sunlight just so with the rays emanating out onto our lawn and into the world to share on Facebook.
This is the photo that came out:

A heart and a clearly visible green orb:
Green Orbs
In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature.
I felt that Joseph was nudging me to write a part III for tomorrow's 6th Annual Middlemiss Big Heart 5K.
Scott shared this moment from the 2017 5K as part of the commemoration of Joseph's passing last year:
September 23, 2017
So, today has been a day filled with mixed emotions. But, we continue to be blessed by the love and support of so many beautiful and wonderful people who continue to love Joseph and help us share his legacy of love and kindness. So, thank you all.
I have been looking through all the amazing pictures. And, this one just jumped out at me. I have gone back to look at it multiple times. There is so much inspiration, kindness, and beauty in this picture.
The other day, we asked our friend Rachel {who lives with cerebral palsy} to design a race that she wanted to participate in, to finish. This was her special race. And, she did such an amazing job and made the turn for the finish line with a big smile on her face and as strong as ever. This is Rachel crossing the finish line of HER race. And, it was amazing...topped off by the incredible Dick Hoyt presenting Rachel with a special "Superhero" medal.
This alone is amazing and beautiful. But, it is not the whole story that this picture tells. There is another runner in the picture. #378. His name is Danforth Sullivan. He was coming in to finish the 5K first overall at some ridiculously fast pace. No doubt he was going to finish under 18 minutes, something I cannot even fully comprehend. He was finishing up strong and then came upon Rachel finishing her race. So he stopped, slowed down, and let her finish, have her moment, losing valuable seconds to his own personal finish. And, where some may have been upset or tried to finish ahead of Rachel, he slowed down to cheer her on. And finished with a smile...celebrating this special moment.
I didn't know that this happened until I saw the picture. Come to find out that Danforth is a member of Team Zoe, the biggest super team. Thank you, Danforth Sullivan, for being a special part of this amazing moment. Joseph was definitely smiling down at this exact moment. I can feel it.

We were trained and ready to run last year's Superhero 5K but we were shell shocked by what was happening with our daughter Ruth Anne and her yet to be diagnosed neuropsychiatric condition that wreaked havoc with her and our household.
When I emailed Jennifer Sprague, Kate Middlemiss and Andrea Walsh and then posted on FB that we would do a virtual 5K instead of heading to Dracut for the race, we received an outpouring of love and prayers for our journey. I was moved to tears when Jennifer sent this photo saying that "I made sure you'd be there." Jennifer and I have become close friends through Team Big Heart in part because of our shared neuromuscular conditions. Jennifer lives with MS and I live with Post-Polio Syndrome.

This year we were determined to participate in the event. We became more adept at protecting our energy and managing the stress of what was happening with Ruth Anne. We prayed and we asked for the prayers of our village. I even talked to Joseph and many angels on the other side of the veil asking for Guidance and relief for Ruth Anne and for us even if it meant a peaceful transition for her given the depths of her suffering.
Our prayers were answered. I discovered the diagnosis of PANS and advocated for a cleanse of the toxic meds she was on and told the doctor to put her on a regimen that is the least toxic and had been the most effective. Ruth Anne felt a glimmer of hope as we put the pieces of the puzzle together and I became fierce with the medical system. As it turned out, she had a severe urinary tract infection which was affecting her mental status as well. We got to a specialist who made the diagnosis of chronic interstitial cystitis which explained her chronic pain, intermittent infections and exacerbation of neuropsychiatric symptoms that led her to maladaptive behaviors in an attempt to alleviate the pain both physical and mental.
With a rigorous course of antibiotics, a lot of supportive therapy, a program at BU for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and close follow up with her psychiatrist to tweak meds as needed, and her commitment to making changes in behaviors, there was a dramatic shift in her functioning.
Running has been a part of her life ever since we ran the 2009 Boston Marathon but with all of the hospitalizations and chronic pain, she was unable to run.
Two weeks ago we asked her to join Team Big Heart and registered her for the 5K.

We've been going on 5K training runs and we are all race ready!
At tomorrow's event there is going to be a gathering of like-hearted people who will support The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation and #lacostestrong.. We will commemorate and celebrate Joseph's life and legacy, heart warriors and superheroes of all kinds among us and feel the magic that always happens around the Middlemiss Family.
We'd love to see you there or have you sign up for a virtual run by following this link.
There will be on site registration.
A kids run around the track with distance depending on age. Here is a picture of heart warrior Zoe from last year's race:

A Celebrity Mile:

The 5K and an after party with a Penny Candy Garden Party, bouncy house and carnival rides for children of all ages.
The 6th Annual Middlemiss Big Heart 5K is going to be the best race ever.
See you at the starting line.....
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and "Feel the Heal" and "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953" are available in Natick Center Cultural District at Paula Romero Dunbar's Celebration Boutique Paper Fiesta coincidentally located on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon Route.
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