Two weeks from Wednesday I turn 66 years old. In 3 weeks we say goodbye to 2019.
I have endured many challenging years in my life but I must say 2019 brought angst and challenges that brought me to my knees. The year is ending on a positive note however as we finally found the missing piece of the puzzle for our daughter's condition that wreaked havoc in her mind, body and soul and in our lives.
We learned so many lessons as we rode the tumultuous waves of a misdiagnosed condition and fought a broken medical and mental health system. I learned patience, compassion, how to endure the most searing emotional pain, the power of my village and prayers and how much strength I had within me when I felt as though I could not endure one more day of watching our daughter suffer.
With 2019 almost in the rear view mirror, and as I get ready to blow out the candles on my cake, I have chosen my word for 2020: Simplicity.
Instead of grabbing my iPhone after I meditate in the morning, I am taking time to stay connected to Source and to connect in real life in real time with my family. I'll take time during the day to hop on social media and I am making a concerted effort to use my laptop instead of my iPhone for social media. I am giving myself the gift of the present and experiencing presence.
From "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life":
The Art of Being Present
Each moment is a blank canvas
smudges and splotches only in mind's eye
raindrops from the heart
wash away the past.
Each moment is an opportunity
overflowing with possibility.
How shall I paint this moment?
My portrait once a still life
in stillness
life force leaps
lover of life
a geyser of joy
a river of happiness
gratitude flows
fragrant flowers sweetness
strong roots
lit with softness of sun's tender embrace
back from the edge
the ledge between life and death
creating the masterpiece of my life
one breath at a time.
I deactivated my Twitter account. The new format was dizzying and needed to go to create simplicity in my life.
I left many Facebook groups that I no longer need to be a part of and ask myself the question, "Is this necessary" when approaching tasks, requests from others and prioritizing my to do lists. When I say yes to something or someone I want to make sure that it is something necessary in my life or those I hold near and dear to my heart.

I want to ensure that I have the time and energy to do the things that bring me joy and nourish me mind, body and soul and ensure that I have an abundance of energy to share my incredibly inspirational story inspiring others to know what is possible despite all appearances to the contrary.
I am looking forward to a year filled with simplicity yet elegance, peace, joy, love, laughter and gratitude.
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
To learn more about my journey from a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma to the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Looking for great gift ideas? Give the gift of inspiration with my books available on Amazon....
and/or the gift of healing choosing from suggestions on my website's "Healing Resources" page.
Be sure to listen to my interview with Kendra Petrone on the Award Winning Exceptional Women Show by following this link
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