Sunday, August 9, 2020

On Confidence and Setting Goals

It's fair to say that the recent events in the world can weigh heavy on one's heart. Since I discovered the sport of running in my life, it has been a way to pave the road to mental and physical health regardless of the circumstances happening around me. Bill Rodgers once said to me, "Life is hard...yeah...that's why we run. When we can conquer the roads we can conquer whatever challenges happen to us in life."

When the calendar turned to August 1st I contemplated my running goals for the month. I have been increasing my miles per month since last year. It's one of the benefits of not having access to a gym or pool right now. Since August 1st fell on a Saturday and there are 31 days in August, it seemed like a good month to set a goal of 50 miles. Initially, I waffled with my decision. It's so easy to talk one's self out of a new goal especially during these times. My chiropractor is out on maternity leave. She took an early maternity leave in March and plans to return in January 2021. How will my body respond to the increased mileage? The days tend to be hot and humid...maybe I should wait. What difference does it make how many miles I run anyway as long as I am outside exercising on a regular basis.

And then I smiled to myself....

I was told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair and to expect an accelerated decline in functioning as I age as a survivor of paralytic polio. Once I harnessed the power of my mind/body connection, infinite possibilities revealed themselves to me.

I went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon:

After a serious knee injury in December of 2014, I was told to prepare for a total knee replacement and to stop running...or cap my distance if I did. I partnered with a chiropractor who used KT tape, a new prescription for workouts, the Graston Technique and immersion in mind/body luminaries such as Dr. Joe Dispenza and eventually discovering Heal Documentary.

I went on to run the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Bermuda Half Marathons:

This morning, after my strength training workout, I sat down and made a plan for how to achieve my goal of 50 miles for August.

We have the Falmouth Walk on Saturday which is 3.2 miles but I am going to do 4 miles and Tom and Ruth Anne will go on to add 3 miles to complete their Falmouth Road Race At Home Edition. We are also registered for the Becca Pizzi 5K which is now virtual. We will do the 5K on 8/29 and I will concentrate on a tempo run instead of distance.

I am focused on my confidence and my ability to set and achieve goals. It is sometimes a challenge to maintain a perspective of optimism and remembering that when I connect to the Divine all things are possible. My power of belief and the intention I set before each run are what will guide me toward my goal.

Last night this poem flowed out of me in answer to my waffling about setting a new goal to uplift and inspire me. May it do the same for you and may you find the courage to move confidently in the direction of your dreams:
The Switch from the soon to be released "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life Volume 2
Flip the switch from darkness
from unwell to well being
dwell with Source.
Generate positive thoughts
current of gratitude
dispels doom and gloom.
Electrify imagination
in mind’s eye
ignite possibilities!
Shockwaves from past
back to the future!
Dampen fears
shift gears
be light hearted.
What ifs
glitter and sparkle
light up hope!
Rewire recharge
turn on tune in
vibrant optimism.
Flip the switch
switch perspective
let the magic begin!

To learn more about my journey after the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, be sure to visit my website at

My books are available on Amazon

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

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