For those of you not familiar with Becca Pizzi, she is a legend!
While her athletic endurance accomplishments certainly place her in the category of a legend, what I believe makes her a legend are her humility, her incredibly big heart, compassion and a passion to give back to her community. This year was to be the 5th Annual Becca Pizzi 5K and 1 Mile kids run. Tom and I participated in the event last year. Becca warmly welcomed me to participate letting me know it was an all pace race and overflowed with compassion as I shared with her the struggles our daughter was having. Becca's race was the first race I ran in a long time given the stress of being in the caregiver role. She gave me the warmest hug as her eyes filled with tears of compassion that sprang from a fellow mother's heart.
But what a difference a year makes -- in many ways! Becca was hopeful that moving the date from May to August, she would be able to have an in person race. She considered staggered starts and ways to make it happen but then shifted to a virtual race. Ruth Anne has experienced a year of healing and recovery and is now running strong on the roads and in her life!
Even though the forecast was for thunderstorms and rain, given my training plan and August goal to run over 50 miles, we knew we had to get in our run yesterday.
It was misting when we considered where we wanted to run. It's a Team McManus tradition that we run on Heartbreak Hill the weekend before the Boston Marathon. As 2020 is unlike any other year, this is the weekend before the Boston Marathon Virtual Experience!
I wasn't sure what the vibe would be on Heartbreak Hill. It's usually a time when the energy and excitement is palpable as spectator barriers are placed on the grass getting ready for race day set up. Runners are getting in their last shake out runs and the question, "You running?" is accompanied by high fives.
There were a few runners out when we arrived. We decided to experience the joy of a race day and took a pre-race selfie:

We set out at a good pace enjoying being together and participating in another virtual race. Becca invited us to post pictures on the race's Facebook page to be entered to win a prize. Tom was game to take photos of interesting sights on our run.
I spotted a lamp post in the distance. It reminded me of The Chronicles of Narnia. I suggested to Tom and Ruth Anne that Aslan aka Joe Biden is on the move and soon we will be rid of the White Witch!

A little further along we spotted this sign:

and then:

We made it to the famed Firehouse at the corner of Comm. Ave and Washington Street where the famed Newton Hills begin:

Coincidentally, that was our halfway mark for our 5K.
Ruth Anne suggested we take our mid run selfie:

We spotted a runner sporting an MR8 singlet and gave a shout out. "Good luck" we said instinctively knowing they would be running the Virtual Boston Marathon. "You too" he shouted back.
A runner passed us and Tom spotted him wearing a Virtual Falmouth Road Race bib. We shouted out "Go Falmouth." He waved in the air and said, 'Thank you.'
A runner with a BAA shirt passed us in the opposite direction.
"Great job Unicorn" Team McManus said in unison.
"Thanks! You too," he said.
While most of our run was spent without passing other runners on the quiet hills of Newton:

we experienced the magic that is always there on Heartbreak Hill. There was a magic to the mist without heavy down pours and no thunderstorms as was predicted. While the anticipation of Boston Marathon weekend was a shadow of its former self, there was a camaraderie and sense of anticipation and honor for not only the virtual Boston Marathon but other virtual races that have become part of the new norm.
I was thrilled with my time that was only 1 minute slower than last year's race. Becca's course is fast and flat. We ran on the Hills and I have increased my distance this month. As Ruth Anne was also quick to point out, "You are also a year older ma."
After a race, we ask the proverbial question, "What's to eat?" We each expressed our cravings and decided to head to Kupel's Bagels and make our own post race fueling sandwiches at home before heading to bib pick up.
Only in a virtual race do you run the race and then pick up your swag!
"Hey you guys," Becca yelled as we crossed the street to outdoor bib pick up.
Becca used the neck gaitor from the 5K swag as her mask and sported the race t-shirt shown in the above photo.
We are huggers by nature and it was incredibly hard to keep our distance but we stayed optimistic and shared in how virtual races fill a void for us as a running community. It felt wonderful to pick up a swag bag and t shirts and to see a dear friend from the running community.
She autographed our copy of Becca's Feat on Feet reminding us to follow our dreams.
Despite any circumstances happening around us, it is vital that we find ways to set goals, follow our dreams and remain hopeful experiencing the magic and wonder that's always there to be experienced when we open our hearts and believe.
To learn more about Becca and purchase her book, be sure to visit her website by following this link.
To be inspired by how I followed my dream to run the 2009 Boston Marathon after being told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon.
From my heart to yours
In health, wellness and joy
Aslan is on the MOVE! Glad you had a great race day!