To beat the high heat and humidity, we set the alarm for 6:30am to get in our miles. Having the goal of running at least 50 miles for the month of August motivates me to get in the miles I have set in my training log for this month. It took us a little while longer than usual to get ready. Wednesdays are the days when Tom has to go into his office so we adjusted the mileage to ensure he would have enough time to get ready and go into the office. I will still be able to exceed my goal for this month!
We continue to heal from the past 3 years of Ruth Anne's health challenges. I felt the need to share how I was feeling reflecting back on where we were this time last year. Ruth Anne courageously shared her memories and we all felt lighter after expressing ourselves.
Tom is our official photographer for our runs and he stopped to capture a photo of this dragonfly:

In almost every part of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization.
The change that is often referred to has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life. The Dragonfly moves with elegance and grace. The Dragonfly is iridescent both on its wings and body. Iridescence shows itself in different colors depending on the angle and how the light falls on it. The magical property of iridescence is also associated with the discovery of one’s own abilities by unmasking the real self and removing the doubts one casts on his/her own sense of identity.
The Dragonfly normally lives most of its life as a nymph or an immature. It flies only for a fraction of its life. This symbolizes and exemplifies the virtue of living in the moment and living life to the fullest. By living in the moment you are aware of who you are, where you are, what you are doing, what you want, what you don’t, and to make informed choices on a moment-to-moment basis. The eyes of the Dragonfly symbolize the uninhibited vision of the mind and the ability to see beyond the limitations of the human self. Dragonfly’s can be a symbol of self that comes with maturity. They can symbolize going past self-created illusions that limit our growth and ability to change.
How remarkable that the dragonfly crossed our path and that Tom was able to capture it in a photo. We are undergoing a time of transformation in the world and, in our little corner of the world, moving forward from 3 years of trauma and illness. The angels have been and are always with us!
As our sweat poured, we felt the joy of being alive and the gift of a new day. We even saw a smiley face in the clouds:

In preparation for my participation in the Boston Marathon Virtual Expo panel "Whole Life Running and Late Life Running" we talked about my miracle of healing and transformation. We reflected on how I was able to make the miraculous shift from having been told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair to a life of health, wellness and being physically active!
We shifted gears to a more light hearted conversation as the smell of coffee and bacon wafted through the air. We have a rule that we cannot talk about food before we hit the halfway mark of any run. We were on our way home as the conversation turned to "what's for breakfast?"
What a wonderful Wednesday wellness run with a sign from the Divine and beautiful scenery. Next up on Saturday is the New Balance Falmouth Road Race At Home Edition for Tom and Ruth Anne and the Falmouth Walk for me. While it would be wonderful to be in Falmouth for race weekend, we feel deep gratitude and contentment for the blessings of health and wellness and the gift and blessing of running in our lives.
For inspiration on your health and wellness journey, be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
From my heart to yours
To your health and wellness
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