Ode to a New Decade
A new decade new year anticipation such good cheer
hugs and celebrations 2020 is now here.
Vision boards and dreaming big hearts filled with so much hope
no one dreamed on horizon we'd be challenged with how to cope.
Auld lang syne 2019 we said goodbye to terrible year
The Universe responded.."Hang on.. "Hold my beer."
We learned to adapt somehow finding our way
despite rapid changes that came with each day.
Working remotely from all across globe
who knew we could spend a whole day in our robe?
Anger and rancor blaming judging and greed
softened our hearts tell me what do you need.
Singing together giving thanks for our health
those with abundance sharing their wealth.
Closets decluttered we'd sort and we'd sift
while slowly but surely the world made a shift.
We cursed and we struggled cuz that's what humans do
until we surrendered as One knowing we'll make it through.
Grieving losses of how life used to be
caterpillars must die to transform and fly free.
Sidewalks were chalked messages for neighbors to share
finding ways to communicate how much we all care.
Bonds of kinship grew stronger though physically apart
we discovered what's important real and true in our heart.
A running boom happened distant waves smiles so bright
projects new interests focus on healing, love and light.
The first quarter of our decade spent much time in quarantine
soul lessons learned much remains to be seen.
When this year is over and we open our hearts to new year ahead
strength, courage and resilience knowing nothing now to dread.

No one had any of this on their vision board for sure but here we are in the first quarter of a new year and a new decade experiencing situations that we were totally unprepared for.
The Universe hit the entire world with a giant 2 x 4 to create an awakening and a shift on an individual, family, community and global level. We discovered that what happens in one part of the world affects every one of us.
It reminds me of the Butterfly Effect:

My heart aches for families who have experienced devastating losses. My heart grieves for those who are unemployed, for my friends who own small business, for the unprecedented economic toll this has taken across the globe. I pray that people will be able to tap into our tremendous resilience and to experience the power of the Spirit during these challenging times.
Yet my heart is also filled with hope, gratitude and love and I am reminded of my resilience and our resilience as a community in Boston and beyond.
I contracted paralytic polio at the age of 5 and endured years of child abuse at the hands of family members. I went on to become valedictorian of my high school class and had an award winning career as a social worker at the VA. I connected with Source and my guardian angel from an early age.
In December of 2006, I was given the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease and told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I got still and asked for Divine Guidance. A whole new world opened before me as I transformed from a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma to an endurance runner and motivational speaker.
After that diagnosis I had complete and utter faith that the diagnosis was not an ending but a new beginning for me. I harnessed the power of my imagination through the power of my pen, what I call my Divining Rod for healing, and through the mind/body connection and feeling as if my wonderful future had already happened, created a new life.
As a country we made it through 9/11 and as a city we became Boston Strong after 4/15/13.
As I surf the waves of fear that we are all experiencing at this time, I am experiencing many many more moments of clarity and calm. I meditate throughout the day and if I wake up in the middle of the night, rather than fueling and feeding my fears, I am focused on affirmations and a vision for life for after the pandemic subsides. There are many wonderful healing resources available specifically designed to help us navigate these turbulent times and I've added them to the Healing Resources page on my website.
I know that with resilience, faith, connection while being physically apart and experiencing a shift, we will not only survive but thrive!
From my heart to yours
In health and wellness
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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