After the events of 4/15/13, we were ordered to shelter in place in the greater Boston area while law enforcement personnel tracked down and captured the person responsible for the bombings. We kept the TV on and while we had a group meditation on Facebook and kept taking deep breaths throughout the day, there was a sense of when will we be given the all clear to resume our lives.
We've lived through several major New England blizzards where we were told to stay home except for essential travel to allow crews to clear the roads. During the winter of 2014, we had snow storm after snow storm with no end in sight. We had ice dams and as water poured through ceilings and doors I was left to wonder, "When will this ever end?" Of course it did. Spring came and our homeowner's insurance took care of the repairs. We had a more energy efficient home with new paint and no more ice dams!
During the past 3 years, as our daughter endured multiple hospitalizations with no clear diagnosis or treatment plan I wondered, "When will this end? How will it end?" I had faith that sustained me throughout those times of dire crises and we all made it through to the other side.
I marvel at our resilience!
As we receive news of ever changing circumstances, there is a sense of "When will we receive the all clear?" As I experienced waves of anxiety, I watched a video by Dr. Joe Dispenza that you can watch by following this link and saw this post:

It seems so unnatural to make these types of choices in the midst of such conditions, but if we repeatedly succeed, in time we’ll transcend the norm—and we, too, become supernatural. And most important, by your being supernatural, you give others permission to do the same. Mirror neurons fire when we observe someone else performing an action. Our neurons mirror the neurons of that other person, as though we were performing the same action. For example, when you see a professional dancer dancing the salsa, you will dance the salsa better than you did before. If you watch Serena Williams hit a tennis ball, you will hit the ball better than you did before. If you observe someone leading a community with love and compassion, you’ll lead in your life in the same way. And if you witness someone self-healing from a disease by changing his or her thought processes, you’ll be more prone to do the same❤️
I called my dear friend and womanpreneur Paula Romero-Dunbar, owner of Paper Fiesta. We bought a gift card. I checked in with my hair stylist to see how he was doing and if he wanted me to prepay for my next visit with him. He was deeply touched by my reaching out to him and told me he was able to ride this out even though the salon is closed. We are checking in with friends and neighbors on Facebook and in real life. While we are mandated for social distancing, we are practicing emotional closeness, kindness and compassion!
Ruth Anne and I went on an almost 4 mile run today because the weather was glorious and focused on the blessings that surrounded us:

I only skim the headlines for the "breaking news" that comes into my inbox.
We take extra meditation breaks throughout the day and often pause to say at least 3 things were are grateful for.
While part of me feels the anxiety that comes with these chaotic, confusing and unprecedented times wondering when will the "All Clear" come, I realized that the All Clear is right now:
All Clear
When clarion calls and sounds all clear no need to sit and wait
time for healing transformation creating destiny and fate.
All clear and cleanse the heart and mind a voice to light the way
shine instead of whining the mandate of the day.
Tho panic fills the headlines let cooler heads prevail
adversity storms passing compass of kindness adjust our sail.
Imagination fired up dark clouds we now can clear
knowing deep within our soul there's nothing now to fear.
Light beckons in the clearing stand firm in Truths Divine
drowning out the din of dread love beams brightly shine.
All clear an inner peace takes hold deep breaths a wave of calm
emanates from faith and trust allowing healing balm.
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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