During these times of chaos, confusion and fear, it can become quite challenging to experience a sense of well being. I feel blessed to be connected to many like hearted beings in the field of Facebook and in my physical life who are focused on well being at this time.
My friend Lisa Berman has a Saturday Sunrise page on Facebook. She captures the magnificence of sunrises, sunsets and the ebb and flow of the ocean. If you need to reclaim your sense of well being, head to the beach. If you don't live near the beach or if you are in quarantine, these images and videos will create that same sense of well being.

It seems that it always takes a crisis for an individual or a society to be shaken out of its usual way of thinking and being. When I was diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome in December of 2006, I was shaken to my core with the diagnosis of a what the medical profession cited as a progressive neuromuscular disease. I immersed myself in information about the mind/body connection, holistic healing practices and my body's tremendous capacity for healing. After a serious knee injury in December of 2014, I was blessed to find a chiropractor who led me to the movie "What the bleep do we know" and Dr. Joe Dispenza's book, "You Are the Placebo."
While I knew the power of the mind/body connection through my own healing journey, "You Are the Placebo" brought me to the next level of evolution in my health and wellness journey. I was then led to "Heal Documentary" and its companion book.
Through Dr. Joe on Facebook, I met Sarah Baron. You can follow her on Instagram @lovelttd #wellbeings. She draws Well Beings and her posts are filled with enthusiasm and passion, light and love. Her recent posts fill me with delight and gratitude and this one in particular strongly resonated with me:

WellBeing flows like Niagara falls, never ending, limitless. Its all around you.
Its a frequency, a vibration in everything. Love let's it in, fear holds
it away, It's always there, limitless love and wellbeing for everyone.
Relax, be calm, all is well. Let it flow to you and through you. LOVE,
JOY, EASE, CALM, RELAX, BE KIND, LOVE. <3 <3 <3 Lets raise each other up. <3 You are doing great! Nothing is wrong. All is well. <3
After my morning meditation, I often take a photo to post to Facebook along with an inspirational message to start the day. I was in awe when, yesterday morning, this was the photo I took with a Well Being:

Sarah lives in Australia! Well beings abound! You can visit her page on Pinterest.
She encourages us to imagine, just for 17 seconds and then another 17 seconds in this post reminding us all is well:
"The sun came up. The moon came up. The birds are singing. The flowers
are growing. Children are laughing. Clouds are floating by. Rain
sprinkles down. We woke up today. All is so very well. Love you all <3 Well Being abounds. It has you. It is you. It's in you. It's who you are. Meditation and imagination is your super power. Focus on what you want. Imagine the best! LOVE, JOY, FREEDOM, PLAYFULLNESS, VIBRANCE, EASE, THRIVING. It's who you are. Try to imagine for 17 seconds.... then another 17... then another 17. Your imagination is a preview of the life that you are drawing to you. <3 <3 <3 You each have a Well Being. Loving and adoring you."

While I am not on Instagram, Sarah shared this video from Dr. Joe. He later posted this:
It seems so unnatural to make these types of choices in the midst of such conditions, but if we repeatedly succeed, in time we’ll transcend the norm—and we, too, become supernatural. And most important, by your being supernatural, you give others permission to do the same. Mirror neurons fire when we observe someone else performing an action. Our neurons mirror the neurons of that other person, as though we were performing the same action. For example, when you see a professional dancer dancing the salsa, you will dance the salsa better than you did before. If you watch Serena Williams hit a tennis ball, you will hit the ball better than you did before. If you observe someone leading a community with love and compassion, you’ll lead in your life in the same way. And if you witness someone self-healing from a disease by changing his or her thought processes, you’ll be more prone to do the same.
I am deeply grateful to those who went before me to show me what is possible for healing and now I hope to be a beacon of light for others who may be living in paralyzing fear unaware that all is well and our natural state is health and well being. I have a page on my website dedicated to healing resources.
It seems unnatural to not feel fear and panic when the media and "experts" are telling us we need to be afraid - very afraid. While my family and I are mindful about hand washing, and aware of keeping social distance until we receive the all clear, we are focusing on our bodies' tremendous capacity to heal, finding calm in the midst of chaos, practicing meditations that support our physical and emotional health and stay focused on well being.
Well Being
Be present
behold the gift of each new moment
presenting itself.
When fear takes hold be brazenly bold
be in the flow.
Allowing well being
take heart feel in your heart
all is well.
Dipping into well of well being
paint a Masterpiece reflect Divine
geyser rising deep within soul
cleanse doubts fear and worry
heal brokenness.
eyes sparkle
rainbow reflections
effervescence overflowing.
let loose the ties that bind like a rubber band
breathe deeply.
Have courage to be
your true self
trust and be
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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