The Wave
A tsunamai washed onto everybody's shore
a crushing wave of fear no one ever felt before.
The wake of a virus Corona its name
and for generations to come it will have its claim to fame.
First came denial we'll just go about our day
followed by hoarding send more toilet paper our way.
Little by little judging and blaming came to a halt
ceasing division derision this is not one person's fault.
Country's borders were closed lockdown shelter in place
but something magical happened while in confined space.
Hugs and kisses abandoned social distancing new norm
love and kindness emerged connection took on a new form.
Waving and smiles music played loud and true
virtual hugs Face Time and Skype helped us get through.
Spirit is thriving setting everyone free
to be brightest light we are all meant to be.
As storm clouds dispersed a new world order came into view
calm seas sunlight glimmering a sky bluer than blue.
Waves of joy and relief no one ever felt before
with transformed ebb and flow washed on everyone's shore.
On yesterday's run with Ruth Anne, I suggested that we smile and wave to cars driving by and to anyone we saw while keeping our safe distance of course. She loved the idea.
We were amazed at how many people in their cars honked and smiled and how smiles and waves brightened the otherwise grey dreary day in Brookline.
There were many runners and walkers out and about so we decided to take "an abundance of caution" and run up what I affectionately call Billy's Hill.
It's the huge hill that goes by Boston College on Beacon Street. We named it Billy's Hill after running the Bill Rodgers 5K for Prostate Cancer. It was a special race, the spirit of which is captured in this video:
We continued with our waves and smiles for the duration of our run. Being out in nature especially by a body of water always lifts one's spirits. We are so blessed to live so close to the Chestnut Hill Reservoir:

Sidewalk chalk is being used to send messages and spread cheer in the neighborhoods.
One of our neighbors qualified for Boston. His family made this message to lift his spirits and the spirits of anyone affected by the delay of the Boston Marathon:

We spotted this delightful work of art:

While physical distancing has been mandated as necessary, there are so many wonderful ways to maintain emotional closeness. The energy of our hearts can transcend any physical distance.
An ordinary run on a dreary grey day was transformed into a run of love and good cheer with waves and smiles!
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
With love
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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