Intuitively I believe we all know what we need to heal. We've become a society highly dependent on traditional medicine. When I spoke at the Hyannis Marathon Weekend Pre-Race Pasta Dinner, Bill Rodgers commented how I was able to transform my life to be healthy after the wake up call of the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome. He went on to say that it's not easy and so many people are looking for a pill to cure us. He went on to say that if you watch TV, they are trying to sell you a prescription at every turn. He emphasized how it's hard work to maintain health and wellness but as runners, we sure know it's worth it.
During this time of intense stress and truly surreal and unprecedented times, I am deeply grateful for the gift of running in my life and the freedom to go outside savoring the sensational sights and sounds of Springtime in New England.
On Saturday we chose to go to Jamaica Pond for our run.

My heart flowed with gratitude to see so many people out and about experiencing fresh air, sunlight and exercise whether running, walking, pushing a stroller, riding a bike or a scooter.
This morning, Ruth Anne and I went on a 5K around our neighborhood. It was eerie to not see children out on the playground at the school or to not cross the street to greet our neighbors but such is the new normal for the next 3 weeks.
But what the experts call a "pandemic" cannot stop the sun from shining, the birds from singing or Spring from coming:

My dear friend Kelly posted this article on Facebook yesterday that states that 100 years ago, experts dealt with the influenza epidemic from 1918 with social distancing and quarantine. It was met with mixed results. Yet "a combination of fresh air and sunlight seems to have prevented deaths among patients; and infections among medical staff." You can read the full article here.
So while much of Massachusetts has been shut down and there is a surreal feeling to life along with being bombarded with messages of fear and doom, I'll be getting plenty of fresh air even when it may be raining, basking in the sunlight and the anticipation of Spring, practicing meditation and ways to find my calm, drinking lots of water and getting lots of exercise. And oh yes washing my hands!
Running Free
Each footstep is a blessing
every mile is a gift
fears and doubts doom and gloom
run free soul uplift.
Green buds barely visible
with keen eye delight my heart
harbinger of new beginning
Springtime soon to start.
Once shackled by a troubled past
no safe place was mine
the world became my playground
let love and beauty shine.
Freedom is our birthright
in every moment let it flow
let no man put asunder
what we need to breathe and grow.
Whatever may surround us
remember all is well
celebrate each moment
Divining Truth to tell.
Sunshine bathes the senses
breezes whisper "I Am Here"
running free the way to be
there's nothing now to fear.
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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