I have seen people reframing this time of our current conditions where we are under a stay at home advisory as a time of retreat. I am so blessed and grateful that I began a regular meditation practice after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome. I am viewing this as a time to write poetry and continue to heal the effects of paralytic polio and trauma on a deeper level.
During a meditation, I reflected back to the early days following the diagnosis when I realized I was at a crossroads in my life. Despite being in a leg brace using a cane and at times a wheelchair for mobility and having been told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, I started writing poetry. I imagined a life for myself very different from my past and a future that was very different than the one that the doctors and therapists predicted for me. I imagined myself running a race, dancing in the rain without my leg brace and feeling healthy, whole and free. Writing poetry became a very powerful tool for me to harness the power of my imagination and immerse in this new world. During that time I meditated several times a day and oh what a world opened before me.

I navigated my way through taking a leap of faith leaving my award winning career as a VA social worker. I started out in a profoundly deconditioned state working with an earth angel of a physical therapist who did not subscribe to the Western Medical model of "if you use it, you will lose it!" Yes you read that right! The "science" showed that as a survivor of paralytic polio, I would experience an accelerated decline in functioning. But something deep inside of me told me to get moving and believed that I had the power to transform my life. I was going on "blind faith" yet I was seeing with my heart and soul allowing Divine Guidance to lead the dance of my life while I took steps in the physical world to reconnect and heal my neuromuscular system.
I went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon and then after a serious knee injury in December of 2014 healed my left leg by growing a new gastroc muscle, new cartilage and healing what doctors said would require a total knee replacement through the mind/body connection along with a new training program. I went on to run 3 consecutive Bermuda Half Marathons in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
As I find myself in these current conditions along with everyone around the globe, I found myself getting drawn into the vortex of fear and wondering when will this end? I reminded myself that I am the creator of my life and do not want to relinquish my power to the media, the government or to those people who do not share the same views as I do. Mind you I continue to follow the guidelines of hand washing hygiene social distancing and staying home as much as possible except for going out to exercise. I am referring to an internal process of my belief system. I refused to relinquish my power to the medical community after the diagnosis of a progressive neuromuscular disease. These views are my own borne out through my own experiences and upheld by many thought leaders. I have many of these wonderful resources available on my website.
And so I am living my life as if this storm has already passed. I imagine doing all the things that I enjoy doing and discovering new pleasures and adventures along the way. I feel as if I am already in that future time in the present moment and I smile. It will be wonderful to return to shops and restaurants opening up our hearts and checkbooks to once again support local businesses. I am so excited to prepare for my speaking engagement at the Boston Marathon Expo in September. I feel the absolute joy of hugging friends as we meet up before Marathon Monday, cheering on friends as they run in the 5K and the runners on the big day in September.
I feel the excitement and exhilaration of going over the Bridge to Cape Cod. I feel my toes in the sand in my happy place in Falmouth and tasting the food of my favorite restaurants on Old Cape Cod meeting up with friends and running or spectating races.
So while I may be sitting in my office at home, I have access to The Bridge to Everywhere:
The Bridge to Everywhere
a treat to meet and greet myself
nowhere to go
rushing ceased
time to Be
memories rise
gentle tears fall
watering the garden of my soul.
Refresh and reset
shame cast out from this sacred space
sanctuary of my tender heart and soul
a knowing smile
Love reigns supreme.
In quiet hours I hear that still small voice
oft drowned out by the din of the world
enveloped in peace and comfort
enrapt with Truth and Beauty
Veil of fog lifted
unveiling the bridge to everywhere
soft lush green grass
purple wildflowers
vivid colors created by
the hand of Divine Love.
Quietly stepping out
of my old shoes
my bare feet tickled
my soul happy and free
wild imaginings
possibilities abound
imagination unleashed
all that is perfect is found
in this moment.
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website to learn more about my inspirational journey from a wheelchair to the finish line of the Boston Marathon and beyond!
My books are available on Amazon.
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