In December of 2006, life as I had come to know it came to a screeching halt. I had symptoms for about 10 years before finally waking up and paying attention to my mind, body and soul crying out for healing. The diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease was the Universe hitting me with a 2 x 4. I was told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, adapt my Cape style home or move to a ranch, quit my award winning career as a VA social worker just 3 years shy of when I was eligible for retirement, prepare to possibly need a feeding tube, a sleep apnea machine and that, because I had contracted paralytic polio at the age of 5, expect to have a rapid period of decline as I aged.
Whoa! Talk about a topsy turvy moment!
In the 1980's I was hospitalized with a staph infection in my shoulder. I met an earth angel of a nurse who taught me about the work of Dr. Bernie Siegel.
He teaches about the power of love and self love in healing and how important it is to "be grateful for your troubles."

I got still asking for Divine Guidance and discovered the gift of poetry in my soul.
One of my early poems was:
The Gift of Polio
Thank you God for the gift of polio that brought me so close to you
while paralyzed I saw your face no matter what I’d do
Many wonderful healers you sent them to me at age 5
perseverance and triumph life’s lessons learned
but my Spirit could not yet thrive.
At age 53 the gift was sent to me a second time
having time to sit and feel to heal I started to rhyme.
The second time felt worse than the first
yet your love and wisdom I found
out of pain and weakness and fatigue a remarkable spirit rebound.
Reliving all the trauma of special shoes and such
I discovered remarkable healers who brought a loving touch.
I had no clue I had such strength and the ability to grow
no matter what the outcome deep gratitude I show.
This gift so precious I live a new life gratitude flows from me
my heart and soul are filled with grace each day’s a gift from thee.
During these times of having our lives turned upside down with the pandemic, it can be challenging to find the gifts, the blessings and the treasures. It's almost like we are looking at one of those Highlights for Children puzzles where we have to find items hidden in a picture or a word puzzle where you have to find words among the letters.
But once we get still, pause and take a deep breath, we get clarity. Blessings and goodness abound in every situation. Gratitude is the order of the day whether we are under a stay at home order and especially when we return to life after the pandemic subsides. I keep a daily gratitude journal and I've already anticipated the renewed appreciation I will experience when I can:
Go for a run and not be concerned with social distancing
Hug a neighbor when we pass on the street
Shop wherever/whenever I would like
Go out for a meal
Run or spectate races
Well stocked shelves at the grocery store without stressed grocery store workers
Get my hair styled
Anticipate the Boston Marathon
Take my daughter for her OT appointments
See my chiropractor
Experience joy and being able to celebrate special occasions with loved ones
Take Ruth Anne for volunteering
Lunch with friends
Seeing relief from my friends who are medical personnel
While the news and prognostication of what's to come is certainly bleak, won't you consider joining me in experiencing a new perspective and awakening in our hearts and in our lives?
From my heart to yours
to your health and well being
With love
My website is www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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