We are all being called to grow a lot of qualities this Spring. I feel blessed and grateful that the gift of poetry is once again blossoming in my soul. While I have always cultivated an attitude of gratitude, this Spring I feel a profound appreciation for the burst of colors appearing all around Boston this year. I have a sense of awe and wonder at the world around me feeling a deeper connection to the Divine.
Last night I was drawn to look out of our living room window and my breath caught. The full Pink Moon was astounding!

This Springtime the world is taking a collective pause. Unless we are front line health care workers or in essential roles, we are away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. It's a time for cultivating patience, hope, faith, optimism and awakening to what might ordinarily be hidden in plain sight.
Gifts of Awakening
Hidden in plain sight
get still
take a deep breath
get clarity
see through the eyes of the heart
a topsy turvy world
an upside down view
through the looking glass
nature's delights
a delight for the senses
Bird songs coaxing smiles
waves gently lap at shore
breathe in ... breathe out
tiny green buds
trees pregnant with possibilities
raindrops on windows
muddy puddles
Master's palette of brown and green
sweet scent anticipation of Spring
where Love lives there can be no fear
awaken to all in plain sight.
It's a time to see through the lens of Love rather than the lens of fear and panic that can obliterate the beauty that surrounds us.
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Please be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com to learn more about my incredible journey of transformation from a survivor of paralytic polio to an endurance runner, poet, inspirational speaker and blogger.
My books are available on Amazon.
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