During this morning's meditation, the phrase, "There is no past and no future...there is only now. How are you going to make this the best possible now you can?"
And then I remembered one of my favorite poems - since after all it is National Poetry Month:
The Art of Being Present
Each moment is a blank canvas
smudges and splotches only in mind's eye
raindrops from the heart
wash away the past.
Each moment is an opportunity
overflowing with possibility.
How shall I paint this moment?
My portrait once a still life
in stillness
life force leaps
lover of life
a geyser of joy
a river of happiness
gratitude flows
fragrant flowers sweetness
strong roots
lit with softness of sun's tender embrace
back from the edge
the ledge between life and death
creating the masterpiece of my life
one breath at a time.
The only reason I look at my phone in the morning is to put on a meditation. After meditation, I post something to inspire and uplift myself and others on Facebook, have breakfast and exercise.
I skim the subject headlines of emails I receive and delete any that contain news about statistics past and future. I send out loving kindness to the world, care and concern for those who have been affected by the pandemic and offer prayers for healing.
Being one who tends to absorb a lot of feeling from what's happening around me, I realized how vital it is for me to take exquisite care of me and our family during this time while giving financial support where we are able to our friends who are small business owners and causes near and dear to our hearts.
If I immerse myself in the news or people sharing their fears and panic, I feel it in my body. I get pulled into the vortex of the drama and trauma from the past or even worse, fearing what's to come.
One of the gazillion things I love about running is that when I'm out running, I am in the present moment.
And oh what a gift of present moments did we receive on this morning's 5K run:

During the time of this pandemic, it is so easy to get caught up in yesterday's news and predictions for tomorrow's headlines.
It's an ideal time to experience the art of being present for in truth, the only moment we have is the one right now!
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Please be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com to learn more about my incredible journey of transformation from a survivor of paralytic polio to an endurance runner, poet, inspirational speaker and blogger.
My books are available on Amazon.
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