Today would have been Joseph Scott Middlemiss' 12th Birthday.

From Kate Middlemiss:
Joseph loved to share birthday gifts with others on HIS birthday. The first picture is of him on the morning of his last birthday here on earth. If you look over at his backpack on the ground, you will see a gift in front of it. He brought that gift to share with his kindergarten class on his 6th birthday. I believe it was a puzzle of one of his favorite Mo Willems’ pigeon books.

It looks like Joe still likes to give birthday gifts to others on his special day. This year he gave one to our family a day early. Jack had his regular three month cardiology/transplant appointment today. We are at Boston children’s very regularly for transplant labs and various other appointments but this was the first cardiology appointment he’s had in 3 whole months. It’s unbelievable. For so long after transplant we were in clinic 2 or 3 times a week. Now this... what a gift. If was a long appointment today. Labs, ekg, echo, vitals, meeting with transplant social worker, NP, Nutritionist, and of course his favorite Dr Blume. It’s been three months since he’s had an echocardiogram and I’ve gotten a glimpse of his beautiful heart. It’s impossible not to be nervous about something bad showing up, but as I looked at the echo monitor today, I knew it was ok. I could see his perfectly proportioned heart pumping away on the screen and a sense of gratitude washed over me. It hits me every single time: this tremendous gift of life.
Our appointment with Jack’s team confirmed what I already sensed from my glimpse of the echo: Jack’s new heart continues to work perfectly, fueling his little body with new life and boundless energy. I felt Joseph at this very moment and just knew today’s great cardiac appointment was an early birthday gift from him to our entire family. Another reminder that HE is watching over his little brother just as he promised...That Jack will be ok...That Jack has his own story now.
Jack has had many transplant related hurdles to overcome but that little heart of “his” has worked perfectly since the moment it began beating on its own once placed in his body. It’s function normalized so soon after transplant and has remained that way ever since. Today was just more confirmation.
Joseph’s birthday is probably the most difficult day of the year for me. Even more so than the anniversary of his death. With his birth, I began my most challenging yet rewarding job of all time, that of a MOM. On the eve of his 12th birthday I wonder what he would be like. Who would he be today? What would he be doing to change the world? I can only imagine...
The physical loss of my sweet first born has been more painful than I will ever be able to describe. There’s this deep ache that ebbs and flows but never leaves the depth of my being. Yet, through all this pain, there is a beautiful, bright light that shines through, penetrates that thin veil between the spiritual and physical world, and reaches the surface of my soul. I think it always will. I know it will. Today, I witnessed that bright light shining right on the echocardiogram screen that captured the images of Jack’s new heart, his new life. I know it was a reminder of Joseph’s presence, a message of hope, and an early birthday gift he continues to share with us all. I love you always and forever my little man. Happy birthday eve.
From Scott Middlemiss:
"And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!" ~Author, Charles Dickens
This day is and will always be one that is so hard for me to get through. The date that once represented the day I became a dad and met my hero, me inspiration, my beautiful boy...is now a date that represents so much sadness, so much pain, so much anger about all that Joseph has missed out on and was never able to do.
He has now missed as many birthdays as he celebrated here with us. Six birthdays have been celebrated in Heaven. Joseph would have been 12 today. I will always have to wonder what he would look like now, how he would be handling middle school, what he would be like as a pre-teen. These are the types of thoughts and questions that wat away at me every day, that bring about the waves of sadness and grief that are still as powerful and painful as they were on September 23, 2013.
But, as is often stated, I know and understand that this overwhelming feeling of grief is the “price we pay” for the powerful love and happiness we were able to experience when Joseph was here with us. I am blessed to be Joe’s dad. I am grateful fir every day I got to spend with him and learn from him...I just wish there had been more of those days!
And, finally, on this difficult day, I am grateful for all of you out there who continue to help us through these difficult days. Joseph lives on through all of you who support his foundation, and allow us to share his legacy of kindness and love with so many. The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation brings about so much peace and joy, and is a reminder that Joseph’s big heart continues to touch the lives of so many. Thanks to all of you, he will never be forgotten.
I love you, Joseph. I hope the other angels in Heaven are hosting a wonderful party to celebrate your special day!
Tom and I feel incredibly honored and blessed to be a part of Team Big Heart. There is a remarkable circle of people that we have met through Joseph and the Foundation.
To celebrate his 12th birthday in heaven, let's practice random acts of kindness remembering Joseph's legacy of light, love, kindness and joy.
Please support The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation by making a $12 donation to Tom's Falmouth Road Race run. You can donate by following this link. Light up the tote board of other Team members with a donation as Joseph's birthday cake would have been ablaze with 12 candles.
Remember any act of kindness and any size donation whether big or small makes a BIG difference!
Every dollar of your donation goes to the Foundation's goals:
{Josephs parents, Scott and Kate Middlemiss, have created this foundation to honor their beautiful son by continuing the kindness and love that Joey shined on everyone.}
To expand "The Joseph Middlemiss All You Need is Love Mission," fostering the spread and documentation of Random Acts of Kindness on local, national and international fronts.
To educate children on the power of kindness by supporting the efforts of schools (creating and leading motivational assemblies, providing books and related resources, buddy benches and kindness libraries), and empowering students through scholarships for music and martial arts.
To contribute to research for and spread awareness of childhood heart conditions while providing financial, social and emotional assistance to families impacted by these (pizza parties, brunches and patient and parent care bags on the 8th floor at Boston Children's Hospital).
All you need is love!
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route. Proceeds of book sales for May through July are going to Tom McManus's Falmouth Road Race run for the Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation. You can also make a direct donation by following this link.
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