Isn't it amazing how a seemingly innocent decision such as should we run Heartbreak Hill today or should we go right or left brings you to a moment that takes your breath away?
Since I am getting ready for my comeback race, The Finish at the 50 5K which involves ramps at Gillette Stadium, we decided to go to Heartbreak Hill for our 5K.
Tom is running the Falmouth Road Race for the Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation.
We wore our Team Big Heart shirts.

When we got out of the car, I suggested we take a left instead of the right we usually take.
"You know it will be more challenging," Tom said referring to the big hill known as Heartbreak Hill shortly after Newton Center on the Boston Marathon course.
I was ready!
We paced ourselves going up the hill and made a few brief stops for water. It was a glorious Spring day in Boston and, after many days of rain and gloom, we soaked up the glorious sunshine.

Tom suggested we leave the Carriage Road and run in front of Boston College.
Nike+ chirped "Half way point. 1.56 miles completed. 1.56 miles to go."
Seemingly out of the blue, Tom said, "Let's cross the street here."
We were in between cross walks and, since it's graduation weekend, cars were whizzing by.
"But it's only the first day of your vacation," I chided. "Why do you want me to cross in the middle of the street."
Tom put his hands up and cars seemed to just stop for us much like when Michael the Police Officer in "Make Way for Ducklings" stopped traffic.
"I really wanted to put you through your paces. Wow! Look how you just ran up that grassy knoll." The knoll goes from Commonwealth Avenue to the carriage road on the crest of Heartbreak Hill.
There was a couple who were obviously runners who seemed almost to be waiting for us as we arrived.
"Is there a walk or something today?" they inquired referencing our Team Big Heart shirts.
While Tom went on to explain this was a training run but we wear our Team Big Heart shirts to represent the Middlemiss Foundation, his wife stared intently at my shirt.
I instinctively turned around so she could see the back of my shirt and explained about how The Foundation was started after the death of Joseph Middlemiss.
Tom chimed in to explain about the Foundation's goals (taken here from the Website):
To expand "The Joseph Middlemiss All You Need is Love Mission," fostering the spread and documentation of Random Acts of Kindness on local, national and international fronts.
To educate children on the power of kindness by supporting the efforts of schools (creating and leading motivational assemblies, providing books and related resources, buddy benches and kindness libraries), and empowering students through scholarships for music and martial arts.
To contribute to research for and spread awareness of childhood heart conditions while providing financial, social and emotional assistance to families impacted by these (pizza parties, brunches and patient and parent care bags on the 8th floor at Boston Children's Hospital).
and how Dave McGillivray ran this year's Boston Marathon for the Foundation. They knew about Dave, his recent heart surgery and his loving, philanthropic nature.
We went on to share stories of the special relationship between Jack who received a heart transplant and is thriving, with Dave McGillivray.
As she kept looking at the website for the Foundation on my shirt, she asked more about the research and if it was on a local or national level. Tom explained that they are currently focused on research at Boston Children's Hospital....
She got a faraway look in her eye. "I was all too familiar with Boston Childrens Hospital Cardiac Care Center... 20 years ago..." and her voice trailed off.
"I'm so sorry," I said.
We exchanged names and where we live, and I invited them to the 6th Annual Celebrity ScoopFest happening on June 4th:

She is planning on running the BAA Half in October. We switched the conversation to running, races and Boston running and went on our way.
Shortly after we left them, I saw this and had to stop and take a photo:

We were into the rhythm of running again and Tom said, "Wait!"
At first I couldn't see why he stopped and he pointed:
I felt a surge of energy as we ran our last mile of the day. It was the fastest pace I had averaged in a few years.
Tom was watching his Nike+ and calling out paces that I hadn't seen in at least 5 years! I felt the thrill of swooshing down the hill we had just conquered.
After the run we took a selfie:

Team McManus ran 3.11 Middlemiss Miles for Team Big Heart having the run orchestrated by the Divine through the angel Joseph Middlemiss.
He brought us to meet a couple that continued to feel the deep ache in their heart through the loss of a child yet buoyed by knowing how other parents experiencing the worst loss one can ever endure, transformed their grief into goodness.
We experienced a mound of opportunity on our run on Heartbreak Hill.
He blessed our run with hearts reminding us that all you need is love!
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route. Proceeds of book sales for May through July are going to Tom McManus's Falmouth Road Race run for the Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation. You can also make a direct donation by following this link.
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