When I am interviewed to talk about my latest book, "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953" and to share my inspirational journey of healing my life from the effects of paralytic polio and trauma, I am often asked, "So how are you doing today?"
On May 25, 2007, I took a leap of faith and walked away from my almost 20 year award winning career as a social worker at the VA. I had been diagnosed with a progressive neuromuscular disease, Post-Polio Syndrome, in December of 2006. I left my career and set out on a quest to heal my life only at the time I had no idea what that meant. The Divine was pulling me forward, to a new future, out of my past that was rife with disease, violence and symptoms of PTSD. My pen became my divining rod for healing as I wrote poetry imagining myself healthy, whole and free and... despite all appearances to the contrary, running! I harnessed the power of my mind to heal my body.
I withdrew my retirement account and Tom and I found a way to live on one income. While there were periods when we white knuckled our financial situation, a way was always found as I moved forward in my healing journey.
Today we are debt free except for the mortgage and are able to pay off anything we charge each month in full!
I work out five days a week that includes 2-3 days of running.
Last Saturday, Tom and I had a wonderful 5K run on Heartbreak Hill:

Two weeks ago I ran the Becca Pizzi 5K and 1 Mile Kids Run and on July 3rd, will be running the Finish at the 50 5K.
While I was working out "just for the health of it" after completing 3 consecutive Bermuda Half Marathons, in recent months I have shifted to training mode with less swimming and more running, challenging myself on the roads.
I am thoroughly enjoying the soreness that goes with hill training and tempo runs and the consistency of my training.
Can you imagine that 12 years ago I was told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair? I had difficulty swallowing, breathing and the limp from polio returned. I had to clutch the bannister to get up the stairs. I experienced chronic pain and chronic fatigue. The career that brought me so much joy and fulfillment as a VA social worker no longer fueled my soul. I was experiencing the dark night of my mind, body and soul.
How would I ever find a way out of the hell I was living in?
I got still and asked for Divine Guidance and out of no way, a way was found. How am I doing today? I live a full, vibrant life as a 65 year old woman inspiring others with my message of healing, hope and possibility. I am blessed with abundance, a beautiful village and a heart overflowing with gratitude!
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route.
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