Being a firm believer in the mind/body connection, I knew that I would love Deena Kastor's book, 'Let Your Mind Run.'

Deena takes us on a most remarkable journey from the height of success as a star youth runner to a crash and burn in college to rising like a phoenix from the ashes harnessing the power of her mind to train her body.
I was fortunate to hear Deena speak at the Runners Seminar Series at this year's Boston Marathon Expo. {Photo credit by my friend Kathleen Horgan who was in the front row}

Her warmth, her wit, her genuineness and self-effacing humor done with compassion came to life in 3-D for me.
"Let Your Mind Run" takes us inside the mind, heart and soul of an elite athlete. She is very clear to say that positive thinking is not just about your thoughts but a way of being. She learns that gratitude, compassion, the power of belief and self-talk are key components for a winning life and a winning race.
It became a game to hunt down the struggle to get to the point where negativity bubbled and I had to be more resilient more creative more optimistic and more grateful to emerge stronger from it.
Her imagery and positive mind games inspired me as a runner and a woman who believes it is vital for us to live our best lives.
There is no one moment she transforms from having felt burned out as a runner and in her life but rather ongoing transformation as she challenged herself to move beyond herself.
Every time I reach the crux of the work out or tough moment in a race and cover deeper layers of struggle and optimism and reinforce what was already there. Growth was constant self mastery was never ending.
You don't have to be a runner to be enthralled with Deena's journey although your enjoyment and experience of her journey will be intensified if you are a runner.
There were many moments when I rode emotions along with Deena but her experience in New York City after 9/11 was especially moving.
Moving through the trees in the park the beauty of nature, friendship and love reminded me running offers us the physical strength and mental clarity for human compassion. It allows us to improve ourselves and in doing so bring more love to those around us. I carried that up with me the rest of the day sending it out into the world and hoping it was enough.
Her story is seasoned with quotes and studies that support the benefits of letting your mind run.
A few of my favorites:
Happiness is the joy we feel striving after our potential. ~Sean Achor
From Deena:
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Find a thought that serves you better!
Find the right tool for the moment.
When my mind talked my body listened.
You are your own creation.
We must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our life. ~Henry David Thoreau
As he thinks so he is; as he continues to think so he remains. ~James Allen
If you mix fear with courage you blow past it and enter into the possibility that lay beyond. ~Deena Kastor
Reading Deena's book reinforced my beliefs about what happens when you let your mind run and inspired me to toe the starting line at races again...but that's a blog post for another day!
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route.
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