I thought I had my life all planned out. I had 3 years until I was "eligible" for retirement. I had an award winning career as a social worker at the VA. Here's my Employee of the Month Award from 1996:

I had received Social Worker of the Year and Certificates of Appreciation from the Blinded Veterans Association and the Ex-Prisoners of War.
I would work until I had the age and years in service to retire.
After the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease, life as I had come to know it came to a screeching halt.
The work of providing care to veterans and their caregivers and support to my multidisciplinary colleagues no longer fueled my soul. I vowed that if the day ever came when I could no longer give my all to my patients, I would walk away. I did not want to be one of those people who just bided their time until retirement. It would not have been fair to me or my patients. Yet I vacillated with my decision and what my end date would be.
Six weeks before May 25, 2007, I gave my notice to my Nurse Manager, my Team and then the social work department.
An abnormal mammogram was repeated in late April. I spent the week leading up to the repeat mammogram meditating on my left breast. I visualized only healthy breast tissue and felt in every fiber of my being that I was not going to be the next generation of breast cancer in my family. The technician was lovely and reassured me there was a wonderful team of oncologists at Mass General Hospital who would be able to provide outstanding cancer care. I told them it wasn't necessary because I knew the tumor was gone. Their somewhat patronizing and reassuring attitude turned to shock and awe when there was no evidence of the tumor!
I ran out of the Mammogram Suite, went straight home and calculated my six weeks notice.
I did not need the Universe to hit me with any more 2 x 4's to get me to wake up.
I experienced so many mixed emotions during my last 6 weeks at the VA. But perhaps one of the greatest feelings I experienced was relief.
I had a blank canvass before me on which I could create the masterpiece of my life.
I loved writing and writing poetry imagining a future very different from my past.
It took a leap of faith to leave behind an award winning social work career at the VA to follow my bliss and heal my life. Twelve years ago I had no idea what that meant or the adventures I would experience. I had no idea that I would inspire others with what's possible and the power of the mind/body connection to heal.
I wonder what the next twelve years will bring....
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route. Proceeds of book sales for May through July are going to Tom McManus's Falmouth Road Race run for the Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation. You can also make a direct donation by following this link.
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