On Sunday, I am toeing the starting line of the Becca Pizzi 5K and 1 Mile Run For Kids.
The last time I toed a starting line was in Bermuda January 2018. While I was most content to train 5 days a week, feeling quite proud of my consistentcy and commitment to my health and wellness journey, I knew it was time to experience the energy of a race and once again be off of the sidelines.
In my world as a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma, there is no such thing as just a 5K. Toeing the starting line of any race takes courage for me. I've had to let go of the taunts and teasing from my peers who chanted "Easy Out Alper" (my maiden name) whenever I was up in gym class. I've had to had to heal the feeling of what it was like to lug a full metal leg brace using crutches while my peers ran away. I am truly blessed that Race Directors know my journey and are totally accessible for me to ask questions about their race and to decide if it's a race that would be enjoyable and appropriate for me.
Becca quickly responded to my queries about Sunday's race. Walkers welcome. All paces welcome. No time limit.
One woman responded on a Facebook post about the race, "I registered last night! Still turtle slow but someone has to make sure the back-of-the-pack is ok!" I responded with, "yes I love it! And turtle 🐢 slow is a great pace. We get our money’s worth out of our registration! Look forward to meeting you!" And she responded, "Mary, that is a great way of thinking. I like it!! Looking forward to meeting you as well."
There is a wonderful article, "If you run slow, who cares?" with a subtitle "and what is slow anyway?"
What’s Wrong With Being ‘Slow?’
OK, so I can’t convince you that being “slow” is all a frame of reference. So I’ll ask you, why does being slow even matter?
Runners are perhaps the most welcoming and friendly group of athletes I’ve ever met. No runner I know has a problem slowing down to run with a friend. Think about it. Would you enjoy a run with a friend, even if you had to slow down considerably for them to keep up? I bet you would, and your running group feels the same.
Second, regardless of your pace, you’re doing better than almost 80 percent of Americans. In a study conducted by the CDC, researchers found that less than 20 percent of Americans get the recommended levels of exercise, and more than a quarter of U.S. adults do not devote any time to physical activity.
I finally stopped apologizing to Tom for my pace when he told me, "For someone who is supposed to be in a wheelchair, you run pretty fast."
In "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953" I share my sweet view from the back of the pack during different races. Everyone has a story and the runners at the back of the pack have inspiring stories to share.
I also share how I supported a friend of mine as she trained for her first 10K!
This Sunday I mark the beginning of a new era in the adventures of runnergirl 1953 as I toe the starting line of Becca Pizzi's 5K and 1 Mile Kids Run to benefit the youth of Belmont with Belmont Athletic Scholarships. This is an era where I get to be unapologetically me as a runner. I get to enjoy the thrill of challenging and pushing myself and enjoying the journey. This is an era where I get to truly enjoy the sport of running, participating in races I choose and enjoying being support crew for Tom.
I've decided that for now, the 5K distance is just right for me. I feel content and satisfied with having run 3 Half Marathons in as many years and triumphed over Post Polio Syndrome and trauma, and a major knee injury in December of 2014.
I am feeling the stirring in my soul of the excitement of toeing a starting line and that thrill of hitting a finisher's mat.
I am especially blessed to have my life and running partner by my side for the 3.11 mile course on Sunday.
I plan to thoroughly enjoy the sweet view from the back of the pack and get my money's worth out of my race registration fee. It feels wonderful to anticipate being a part of a race for a great cause and being with my village seeing old friends and making new friends. As Becca said in her race email, "May the course be with us!"
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route.
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