"I vote for strength training" Ruth Anne said as we all watched the big snow flakes fall outside on May 9th. It was predicted but we hoped the weather forecast was wrong. We covered our garden and brought in our tomato plant the night before and watched in disbelief as Mother Nature once again showed us her power and whimsy.
I knew that we needed to get outside in the elements and go for a run and stick to our training schedule. It was a long week as all the weeks seem to be with the stay at home order and experiencing so many changes as a result of the pandemic. Running has been my therapy for mental and physical well being ever since I came to the sport after having been diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome in December of 2006. We usually embrace every day that we are able to just get up and out the door to go on a run by May without any layers but not this day in May!
I had neatly put away all of our winter hats and gloves which we quickly retrieved before heading out of the door.
The snow turned to rain showers and the temperatures hovered in the mid-30's.
When we arrived at Heartbreak Hill there were quite a few runners in the section we usually run. We thought for sure we wouldn't have to worry about social distancing given the elements but apparently other runners were exhibiting their resilience and resolve. We decided to park farther down to allow for social distancing. We were greeted with a blast of arctic air and a strong headwind.
Tom and Ruth Anne who are training for the Cape Cod Half Marathon happening in October would run 2.5 miles down and back and I would do an out and back 5K. I am participating in several virtual 5K's. I experienced awe at how Mother Nature could have two seasons coincide.
The splendor of Spring on Heartbreak Hill was everywhere to be seen:

As the snow and rain moved out it left glorious sunshine and blue skies in its wake:

I experienced exhilaration as the elements of a stiff headwind tested me and as I had to negotiate social distancing. There were times I ran along the grass to provide more distance between myself and runners and walkers and other times I put up my face covering. I was undeterred in my quest to have a great run.
I texted with Tom and Ruth Anne as we shared updates and I had a feeling of accomplishment when Nike+ said, "Congratulations. You've reached your goal of 3.11 miles." Tom and Ruth Anne were not far behind me.

As happens with any run, we felt great that we made the choice to embrace the elements and get our miles in.
I'm rereading Bill Rodgers book, 'Marathon Man'.
"We were suddenly reminded how running, perhaps more than any other sport, is a celebration of life. It makes your world a brighter place. It gives you this lift, a confidence to stand tall and feel good. Better than good. Boundless." (p. 207)
Mother Nature's power and whimsy were unleased with a mid May snow storm and record setting low temperatures. It was a test for our resilience and resolve that we passed with flying colors as Mother Nature is also treating us to the glorious colors of a New England Spring.
To your resolve and resilience! To your brilliance!
From my heart to yours
In health and wellness
With love and peace
Be sure to visit my website to learn more about my inspirational journey from a wheelchair to the finish line of the Boston Marathon and beyond!
My books are available on Amazon.
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