I'd been reflecting a lot on ease during these past several weeks. This poem flowed through me the other day:
When struggle reigns
release reins
erase stronghold on the past
ditch dis-ease.
Embrace well being
jubilant joy your jubilee of life
Go with the flow
deep knowing
giggles, laughter and freedom
cease strife
heart opens wide
count your blessings
loosen grip on what can't be controlled
easy does it
floating on a sea of Love
waves caressing every cell
feel Source in every sunrise and sunset
paving the path for ease.
This was on Louise Hay's Calendar on Friday:

It can be a challenge and a struggle to be in the flow and to find ease as messages of dread, fear, uncertainty, statistics and anger and divisiveness swirl around us. Yet this is the very time that it is critical to experience ease; to surrender and to be in the flow of life.
Do I like what is happening in the world around me where I see my small business owner friends struggling to keep their dreams alive and for lease signs popping up where businesses have had to go out of business or seeing that our favorite restaurant in Hyannis, The Roadhouse Cafe, has closed its doors? Do I like that races are cancelled and trips to Cape Cod or even the beach for the foreseeable future are not possible? No...but I can't control any of that!
I can support local business as much as our finances allow and enjoy take out at home. I can have an overwhelming attitude of gratitude reminding myself of how blessed we are as a family especially with Ruth Anne being healthy for the first Springtime in four years. I can enjoy and feel blessed that we have spaces to run, a spacious home, yard and wonderful friends.
I give thanks for meditation time and time to write poetry that allows messages from Source to flow through me and to touch people's hearts and souls if my words resonate to what they need to get through this time.
I have been meditating on ease...how to experience ease in my body and in my life during these times of profound uncertainty and where there is so much we have no control over.
How can I flow through my day? How can I find and experience ease? What experiences have brought me ease in the past and what experiences bring me ease now?
Having faith in the Universe as a "friendly place" as Albert Einstein once said helps me to experience ease amidst the strife and struggles that are an inevitable part of life. Trust and faith, believing before being able to see results and calming the fears when they arise help me to experience ease.
I've been through a lot of trials and tribulations in my life and through the darkness held onto faith and a vision for creating well being despite all appearances to the contrary.
May your day today and every day be easy like Sunday morning!
From my heart to yours
in health, wellness and ease
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com to learn more about my journey from being told I'd spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond!
My books are available on Amazon by following this link
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