I woke up at 6:00 am this morning. I can usually sleep through Tom getting up to feed our beloved cat Jamie but this morning my mind raced with worries. I thought about all the quotes about worry such as the one below by Mark Twain:

or how worry robs today of its joys and how worrying is praying for something you don't want to have happen. Yet I had trouble calming my thoughts. I took deep belly breaths and focused on all I have to be grateful for. It was the dawn of a new day and although the forecast had called for rain, the sun was on the horizon. We have a beautiful spacious home and we are all healthy! We ade have a refrigerator filled with food and a bank account that is more than wenadequate to pay our bills. Tom's job at Boston College is secure; there will be no layoffs and the cost cutting measures they are taking have minimal impact on us. For the first time in four years Ruth Anne is healthy and able to enjoy Spring. With each blessing I focused on and every deep breath I took, I settled down realizing that my feelings of unease were a reflection of the times and my own trauma history.
My mind went to my happy place of creating poetry as I disconnected myself from fear and worry and connected to the Divine.
Here's what flowed through me:
Nothingness and everything resides
infinite possibilities abound without a sound.
Deep breaths
Heart beat slows in rhythm with Universe’s metronome.
All in Divine timing
trusting in yet unknown
seeing in minds eye.
Scenes set the stage
for hearts desire
setting aflame my passion
as grace reigns.
Imagination runs wild and free
unleashing Spirit …
Nothing’s lost yet all is found.
Dwelling deeply where all is well
unwavering faith in well being.
From my sacred space of peace
May all Beings find their place of peace.
I felt refreshed and ready for a new day.
Outside of my bedroom window, I witnessed the unfolding and unfurling of the miracle of Spring as bare branches now have tiny green leaves on them:

May your worries be transformed and transcended. May you find peace and a steady heart. May you feel the joy of creativity and being fully alive. Let gratitude be your bridge over troubled waters.
From my heart to yours
In health and wellness
With love and peace
Be sure to visit my website to learn more about my inspirational journey from a wheelchair to the finish line of the Boston Marathon and beyond!
My books are available on Amazon.
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