During the early phase of my recovery from Post Polio Syndrome, I wrote a poem called "Sailing Through The Fog":
Sailing Through the Fog
Fog horn sounding loud and clear
I slowly make my way
sailing through the pea soup fog
across Nantucket Bay.
Ocean dark I used to fear
I feel my fear transform
the arms of God embrace me
trust and faith are now my norm.
Ride the tide of intuition
safe harbor shall I find
by being still and listening
attentive to my mind.
In the middle of the ocean
no land, no sun or sky
feel only love surround me
no need to shake or cry.
My faith is now my anchor
sail tethered to my Source
guided by the angels
I can safely chart my course.
Knowing when to take a turn
to steer to stern or port
instinctive navigation
I'll never come up short!
The freedom in the silence
waves lap the only sound
a comfort in my solitude
no other soul around.
Yet in the fog I sense them
other souls who once did live
the souls who went before me
love and knowledge did they give.
This journey is the answer
allow my soul to grow
the destination's not important
it's being in the flow.
Love and peace they are the beacon
to safe harbor will they lead
when I set my foot again on land
my soul has now been freed!
I wrote it after we took a trip on the ferry to Martha's Vineyard. When we left Falmouth, the sun was shining and it was 70 degrees. All of a sudden, fog moved in and surrounded the ferry. The speed of the ferry slowed down to almost a crawl and it sounded the fog horn every few minutes while we made our way to Martha's Vineyard. It was at once terrifying and exhilarating.
I still have the sweatshirt I bought on Martha's Vineyard because there was a chill in the air that accompanied the fog and mist. It is one of my treasured souvenirs.
Many have said that they feel as though they have been in a fog during these past 10 weeks. All of our usual time markers evaporated and time feels as though it has stood still.
We decided to take a drive after dinner the other evening. When we pulled into a parking spot at Jamaica Pond, here is the scene that unfolded before us:

You could feel the sense of awe people were experiencing watching the fog move in.
We breathed in the moist warm air and stood quietly taking in the scene before us.
As we drove home, we saw a spectacular sunset in the distance.
Tom hit the accelerator and we made it in time to the Cleveland Circle Reservoir where our breath caught:

We are sailing through this fog of the pandemic with strength, courage, faith, resilience, grace, determination and Love. To sail through these times of uncertainty, it is vital that I make choices that are right for me and our family.
I lived in fear for my life for many many years growing up in a home with an alcoholic father, a drug addicted mother and being sent to my abusive grandmother's house on weekends. After the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome, I immersed myself in healing by harnessing the power of my imagination and the mind/body connection. Fear and stress weaken the immune system and so I give myself daily doses of exercise, sunshine, meditation, gratitude and nourishing myself with wisdom that resonates deep in my soul. While I am mindful about the guidelines being provided, I focus on supporting our health rather than experiencing fear that I have to take steps to avoid "getting it."
I have hidden more posts, unfollowed more people and even blocked some people because of the divisiveness and fear that prevailed on Facebook.
As we sail through this fog I am certain that we can harness the power of Faith and Love. The fog disperses and as we experience an awakening, a spectacular sunset, a covenant of hope is revealed.
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com to learn more about my epic journey from the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond!
My books are available on Amazon.
From my heart to yours
In health and wellness
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