Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing, Hope and Possibility is the title of the first book in my Trilogy of Transformation sharing my journey from the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease to the finish line of the Boston Marathon and beyond. Here are copies of my book in the crate as I anticipated the book Launch Party on May 23, 2014:
On May 25, 2007, I took a leap of faith leaving my award winning career as a VA social worker where I received accolades as Social Worker of the Year, Employee of the Month and Certificates of Appreciation from the Blinded Veterans Association and Former POW's:

I knew I needed to heal my life from the ravages of paralytic polio and enduring years of abuse at the hands of family members. I knew that I did not practice good self care and was not even aware of how my past was trapped in my body and I became trapped in my life.
But in the cold, dark days of February 2007, I got still and asked for Divine Guidance. The answer to my query for guidance came in the form of a poem and then many many poems in which I imagined a future very different from the one doctors predicted for me and my pen, my divining rod for healing opened the portal to healing my past.
I found my way home through the sport of running. Although I had never run a day in my life, the first poem I wrote was "Running the Race." That poem foreshadowed my 2009 Boston Marathon and led me to a sport that transformed my life mind, body and soul!

A Neighborhood Run
Early on a weekend morning
lacing up
heading out
heart open
feeling free
runners pass me left and right
but no matter
I run my own race
keep my own pace
peaceful and content
celebrating health
feeling well and whole
holy integrated
in my sacred earthly home
remembering a time not so long ago
of estrangement from myself
isolated and apart
unworthy and wretched
oh the stories we tell ourselves
but no more
on this late summer day
my neighborhood
coming home in my body
I come home to my life.
Just as Dorothy experienced being transported to a world unlike any she had known, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," we have all been transported to a world of stay at home orders, masks, sanitation and social distancing requirements. I am so grateful that I took that leap of faith 13 years ago as it holds me in good stead for navigating the uncharted waters of our times. While there were times of anxiety and angst, doubts and fears, faith and love and a belief in myself prevailed. I discovered the power within me to transform my life only the power was in my running shoes instead of ruby red slippers.

May you dear readers discover the power you have within you and may you discover the joy in coming home to your life!
From my heart to yours
In health and wellness
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
My books are available on Amazon
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