Ruth Anne has needed new running shoes for months. Heartbreak Hill Running Company in Newton reopened this week. The salesperson was amazing as he brought out styles of shoes that were similar to the ones she was wearing. Her style of shoe is being discontinued. She fell in love with a pair of New Balance and when we got home I posted a picture on Facebook supporting small business:

As I posted the picture I asked if anyone could name who was in the photo above the bookcase even though it was hard to see. I was supposed to be a speaker as part of the Runner Seminar Series at the Boston Marathon Expo this year. I had author copies of my books on hand and decided to make a contest out of the post.
Here is a closer look at the photo:
It was a "chance meeting" on a plane coming home from Puerto Rico in January of 2009 that led to receiving this photo of Johnny. Ruth Anne had a seat in the row in front of us. The plane was crowded with people returning from a cruise ship and Ruth Anne found solace talking with these two calm older people in her aisle. She bemoaned the fact that we were returning to frigid temperatures and the forecast for a snow storm. From "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953":
Two weeks before our first run on Heartbreak Hill, we returned from Puerto Rico, after a brief hiatus from the never ending brutal New England cold weather. On the plane ride home, we met Tom Kelley and his wife, Dottie. We shared the story of Team McManus not knowing the names of the people with whom we shared pleasant conversation to pass the time on the flight back to a snowstorm in Boston.
“Hi there…my name is Tom Kelley. My uncle was Johnny Kelley.”
“I’m Dottie.” “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“Johnny Kelley” I thought to myself. “As in the Johnny Kelley. Olympian and Boston Marathon champion through the decades?!”
Dottie shared with me that Tommy lives with Parkinson’s Disease but he keeps on running as best he can. Running is his therapy. She asked for our mailing address. They had something they wanted to send to us. I had goosebumps all over.
As we parted ways heading to baggage claim, Dottie said, ‘Good luck with the rest of your training! Come see us at the Expo at Packet Pick up. Remember, Johnny will be watching over you.”
“Thank you. Get home safely and we’ll definitely come see you at Packet Pick Up. You sure made my day!” I said with a broad smile and a full heart.
A week later a package came in the mail with a note written in Dottie’s perfect cursive handwriting dictated by Tommy:
This is a poster created by Adidas for the 2004 BAA Marathon. I had Johnny sign a few when we roomed together at the Copley Plaza that week, and I know he would have gladly signed one for your family if he were here. Perhaps it will inspire you to run a good race, especially the last 6 miles. Johnny was an inspiration to many of us amateur runners and he lives on in the memories of countless runners. You can get a copy of his book Young at Heart on Amazon I believe. You'll note that his forefathers came over to the USA on the SS Marathon!!! Keep on running as I do. We loved your website and maybe some day we can meet again.
On every training run we did on Heartbreak Hill, we felt Johnny's presence especially when we arrived at his statue.
While we all feel a collective sadness that the Boston Marathon will not happen this year, we can all treasure memories of Boston Marathons past and look forward to many more magical moments that always surround the Boston Marathon.
To be inspired by my journey from a wheelchair to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website at
My books are available on Amazon.
To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
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