Before Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile everyone thought it was impossible. But once he broke the 4 minute mile, others began to do the same because they realized it was, in fact, possible!

When I set out 13 years ago to heal my life from the effects of paralytic polio and having endured years of sexual, emotional and physical abuse at the hands of family members, I had no idea what was possible. I was told that I “had” Post Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease and told I should prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I was told that if I used it I would lose it -- yes you read that right and that I needed to conserve my energy. If there were any hope of stabilizing the symptoms where they were, I needed to quit my award winning VA social work career just 3 years shy of ‘retirement.’ I was told that I might need a feeding tube because the left side of my esophagus was sluggish, a sleep apnea machine because my lungs were weak and I aspirated food into my lungs.
I was fitted for a toe up leg brace,

a cane and advised to use a wheelchair if I needed to go shopping or travel. I was advised to eat a semi soft food diet while doing a chin tuck; no talking while eating and use a straw so I didn’t choke on liquids.
I went along with the program for a couple of months. I knew I was at a crossroads in my life and I did what I had done throughout my life when faced with what seemed like insurmountable challenges, I got still and asked for Divine Guidance.
The answer came in the form of a poem, “Running the Race” and then many poems flowed out of me in which I imagined myself healthy, whole and free dancing in the rain and running - yes running although I never ran a day in my life up to that point - expressing, transforming and transcending the pain of my past through gratitude and forgiveness.
I was discharged from Spaulding Rehab in May 2007 during the same week that I took a leap of faith and left my career to heal my life. Fortunately, my physical therapist at Spaulding, Allison Lamarre-Poole believed in the body’s tremendous capacity to heal.
In October of 2007, the Universe connected with me Sierra Ann Hightower, an angel of a personal trainer as described in this video from Channel 7 News.
Together we created possibility out of a seemingly impossible situation. My initial goals were to get off of a low toilet seat, diversify my workouts and build on my home exercise program from Spaulding Rehab Hospital.
From “The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953”:
Shortly after being discharged from outpatient physical therapy I met Janine Hightower through Herb Simmons. He knew Janine through his participation in the Cardiac Rehab program at Boston Medical Center. I was launching my business New World Greeting Cards, original poetry for every occasion. She was a member of BNI, a professional networking group. As we sat in my living room, she talked about BNI and the benefits of being a member of this networking group. As she talked, I wasn’t focused on growing my business. My mind zeroed in on her sharing with us how she used BNI to promote her in home personal training business.
“You know I’m curious,” I said to Janine. “Do you think you could help me? I was just discharged from Spaulding Rehab.”
I went on to tell her about my journey.
“I don’t know,” she said “but I’d certainly be happy to set up an assessment with you.”
I couldn’t even pass the initial fitness assessment.
“You’re way too young to not be able to get off of the toilet seat without holding on to the sink or to not be able to get off of the couch,” she said to me.
It was a statement of fact without judgment. She spoke the truth about my deconditioned physical state. I signed on to work with her once a week in personal training. I had no idea what or why I was doing this. I did know that if I was going to be in pain, I’d prefer to feel the pain of recovery instead of the pain of decline. Janine held enough faith for both of us that I could come out of my leg brace and have a good quality of life despite the diagnosis and prognosis I received.
Janine’s mantra for our work together was a quote from Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!”
At my six-month evaluation in February, I made dramatic improvements in every area of the assessment. I had come out of my leg brace. I knew I was on a healing path.
“Let’s write down your goals for the next six months,” Janine said feeling proud and satisfied with my progress.
“Well I want to feel free in my body. I want to dance. I want to be able to walk outside and feel unencumbered when I take a walk.”
Janine feverishly wrote down my goals, and we worked out a plan. She gathered up her belongings and had her hand on the door knob.
“Wait. I have one more goal.”
Janine stopped and turned around.
“I want to run the Boston Marathon for Spaulding Rehab Hospital. I know they have a Race for Rehab team and I want to do it next year.”
Did you ever have one of those moments when words fell out of your mouth after rising up from the depths of your soul without going through any thought process?
Janine was non-plussed. I don’t know what kept her from turning tail and getting as far away from me as she could. She came back into my house, set down her things and without missing a beat said, “Well the first thing you are going to need is a pair of running shoes.”
And so began my journey of a lifetime training for the 26.2 journey from Hopkinton to Boston on April 20, 2009.
Appearances can be deceiving. You are not your diagnosis. It’s quite miraculous what happens when we harness the power of our mind to heal our body and surround ourselves with people who believe in us and the body’s innate capacity to heal. Our imagination can create changes in the body and facilitate healing.
I share my story over and over again emphasizing different aspects of the journey so that others know what’s possible. As what happened with Roger Bannister breaking the 4 minute mile, I am hoping others will break through their own belief barriers, harness the power of imagination to visualize different outcomes than ones predicted by others, and open the portal to healing, hope and possibilities!
It’s all so possible!
My story is one of many stories featured in Dr.David Hamilton’s 10th Anniversary Edition of “How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body” available on Amazon. By reading others' healing stories, you will be inspired to set out on your own journey firing up your imagination with how others were able to heal. Dr. David also offers how harnessing the power of your mind through visualization can improve your performance in sports, public speaking and creating a better quality of life for yourself and the world around you.
Visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com to learn more about my journey and to explore healing resources that I have used and continue to use during my healing quest.
My books are available on Amazon.
From my heart to yours
In health, wellness and infinite possibilities,
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