I've been a dreamer ever since I was a little girl. After contracting paralytic polio at the age of 5, and experiencing chronic illness and trauma, I dreamed of a better life for myself. While I couldn't participate in athletics, I excelled in academics. I went on to receive a BS in Public Relations and an MSW at Boston College.
After receiving the life changing diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease by Western Medicine standards, I dreamed of running free, feeling healthy and whole mind, body and soul. My dreams took the form of poetry and my pen, my divining rod for healing, fired up the power of my imagination to dream of a healed past and a future very different from the ones Western Medicine predicted for me.
I went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon and healed my life from the once ravaging effects of paralytic polio and trauma.
I share my journey at different events to inspire others with what's possible despite all appearances to the contrary, have a website at www.marymcmanus.com and write this blog. I share my journey in my books in a Trilogy of Transformation and a poetry book, "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life" available on Amazon. I dare to imagine and dream and spread a message of healing, hope and possibility.
I had stopped writing poetry for awhile but when the pandemic began, found poetry pouring out of my soul again. I am writing "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life Volume 2." I let it flow through me from the Divine and never know where or how inspiration will come from.
Yesterday morning, Kristabeth Atwood of Rites of Passage, LLC shared her one minute thought for the day and ended with seeing the world through the lens of love.
This poem flowed out of me inspired by that phrase:
Dare to Dream
When division derision labels abound
I dare to dream of a world healthy and sound.
Stepping out I raise my voice
in Love and Light I vow my choice.
Some see things as they are question why
I say let’s dream let Spirit fly.
With a caring heart to this world I send
our beautiful gardens we each must tend.
Weed out prejudice, hate and greed
dare to dream all peoples freed.
Dare to dream leave past behind
hope and faith, joy being kind.
Dare to dream fan the flames of hope
from a tiny spark we expand our scope.
Lush landscape grows from once parched land
together as One joining hand to hand.
Through a lens of love a panoramic view
dare to dream and create a world now new.
Will you dare to dream with me? Let us all hold a vision for a world made new; a world where all beings are well and where kindness, love, justice and compassion prevail.
And so it is!
From my heart to yours
In health and well being
Let it be so, Mary! Amen!