From "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953":
As I lay paralyzed on the couch from the neck down, my mother glared at me while smoking a cigarette. I didn’t know why she couldn’t or wouldn’t care for me. I had to wait until my father or grandfather came home to get my basic needs met. I had a vision of a Being with a long flowing beard who extended a hand to me only there was no physical hand. This Being sent a well bucket for me to climb in, and, although I was paralyzed, I was able to step into the well bucket to be reeled up to meet this Being. I felt safe, at peace and happy. Somewhere inside of me I knew that I had to make a choice. In that moment I made a choice to return to my physical body. Movement returned to my right side. I wiggled around a little bit on the couch; enough movement to hold my story book. Everywhere I looked whether my eyes were open or closed and even in my story book, I saw this Being. I had my guardian angel to help me through.
I believed in angels since I was 5 years old. Recently I've been blessed to connect with a beautiful circle of people who also believe in angels. Kate and Scott Middlemiss's son Joseph became an angel at the age of 6 years old. To manage the grief of losing a child, they started a foundation, The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation. Kate often shares stories of feeling Joseph's presence through the veil that separates the physical world from the spiritual world.
Yesterday's weather for the 2019 Boston Marathon needed an angel's touch. Last year runners ran through driving rain and cold, raw temperatures leaving even some of the elites to a DNF. Initially the weather called for a nor'easter with snow, then a duplicate forecast from last year, then warming temps with driving rain. We woke up to thunderstorms and everyone was feverishly checking the weather app. I checked in with the angels asking them to bless our day with more manageable weather for the runners.
The thunderstorms stopped and by the time the elite runners were off, the skies cleared.
We headed out to our usual viewing spot at approximately Mile 22.5 at the corner of Dean Road and Beacon Street where we told our runner friends we would be.
We cheered on the wheelchair rim and hand cyclists and were anticipating the arrival of the lead female runners when I looked up at the sky:

I posted this caption on Facebook: "Angels are watching over and blessing this day! 4-15 Boston Strong"
I immediately thought of Kate and Scott whose hashtag is #allyouneedislove. The logo for their Foundation is a beautiful heart:

One very special member of the Marathon Team for Team Big Heart is Race Director, Dave McGillivray. He underwent bypass surgery 6 months ago and agreed to take on the 2019 Boston Marathon pledging to raise awareness for heart disease and money for the Foundation. Kate and Scott's son, Jack had the same condition as Joseph but underwent a heart transplant a year ago in February. They have become fellow heart warriors. I knew that Joseph and many other angels were blessing Dave and the 2019 Boston Marathon especially since it fell on the exact anniversary of 4/15/13.
To read more about Dave and his 47th Boston Marathon Run follow this link.
I knew that, despite cheering on the runners from 10:30-4:30, I was meant to be at Cleveland Circle to cheer Dave on to the finish. Tom was inspired to capture it on video:
A photo of Dave at the start in Hopkinton:

The rain and wind stopped right before he set out on his run!
Here are scenes from the finish line:

After the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, I discovered the healing power of poetry and wrote these two poems about angels {From Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life}:
Calling All Angels
Winds of worry churn sea of fear tangled knots darkness of night
hopeless despairing lost and alone stars are dim hidden in plain sight.
Heralding to heavens with heavy heart they know what we need
before uttered word they lift our load in silence they’re able to heed.
Calling all angels they swiftly surround a blessing a healing balm
calling all angels comfort and peace their presence sensing we calm.
Calling all angels serenity restored be patient be confident be bold
calling all angels a tincture of time all’s revealed allow all to unfold.
Steady breath full moment’s transformed easy rhythm trusting pace
close mortal eyes look deep within expanding vista showering grace.
Deep in the belly beast is slain freedom and faith now prevail
cherubim torch love lights the way onto heaven’s heights we sail.
Sailing Through the Fog
Fog horn sounding loud and clear
I slowly make my way
sailing through the pea soup fog
across Nantucket Bay.
Ocean dark I used to fear
I feel my fear transform
the arms of God embrace me
trust and faith are now my norm.
Ride the tide of intuition
safe harbor shall I find
by being still and listening
attentive to my mind.
In the middle of the ocean
no land, no sun or sky
feel only love surround me
no need to shake or cry.
My faith is now my anchor
sail tethered to my Source
guided by the angels
I can safely chart my course.
Knowing when to take a turn
to steer to stern or port
instinctive navigation
I'll never come up short!
The freedom in the silence
waves lap the only sound
a comfort in my solitude
no other soul around.
Yet in the fog I sense them
other souls who once did live
the souls who went before me
love and knowledge did they give.
This journey is the answer
allow my soul to grow
the destination's not important
it's being in the flow.
Love and peace they are the beacon
to safe harbor will they lead
when I set my foot again on land
my soul has now been freed!
In April in Boston we celebrate National Poetry Month AND the running of the Boston Marathon. This year we were blessed to experience the presence of angels and signs surrounding a special and sacred day.
Several of my friends who ran Boston said they saw a rainbow over Kenmore Square after the showers passed.
One of my friends who has a heart warrior angel shared this picture of a rainbow over Nantasket Beach:

So while we, in our physical realm, may be calling all angels, they are already here surrounding us with love, light and signs reminding us that love lives on and they are with us always.
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route.
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