From "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life"- a poem that perfectly captures a delightful encounter I was blessed to experience this morning on a day that brought brilliant blue skies to Boston's Copley Square:
A is for Amazing
A is for amazing awake aware alive
B is for God’s bounty unbounded for us to thrive.
C is for contagious spreading love in all we do
D is for delicious decadent Divine uniquely you.
Everything is perfect in God’s mysterious wondrous way
Finding faith and trusting beckon friends to come and play.
Growing in God’s likeness in gloriousness we shine
Happiness and harmony life is blissful fancy fine.
I AM all that I’m meant to be your blessed beloved child
Jackpot won in lottery of life on Your family You’ve always smiled.
Knocking on your kingdom’s door of my life You’re always a part
Laughter, loving, lusciousness treasure in my heart.
Meditation in the stillness moving ever closer to You
Needing nothing when You’re near always sees me through.
Observing without judging allowing everything to Be
Patience practice persistence with You I’m running free.
Questioning and querying no need for asking why
Rest assured there is a purpose dry my tears no need to cry.
Synchronicity serendipity surrender is a must
Thankful for this life we live based in faith and trust.
Universal Love unconditional showers upon us all
Vowing to let you be my Guide to catch me if I fall.
Welcome grace’s blessings cup our hands let it rain
X-ray vision You see through us easing all our pain.
Yoda’s wisdom now resounding trust the Force wield saber’s light
Zealous in our purpose Spirit soaring now takes flight!
I arrived early for my appointment in Copley Square with Dr. Lizzie.
Although there was a chill in the air, the sun was warm and I decided to take my banana and water and sit outside to read before my appointment with my beloved chiropractor. I'm reading "The Essential George Sheehan."
"Would you mind watching my dog for a few minutes while I run in and get something to eat?"
"No of course not. She's beautiful"...and then "I'll protect her or maybe she'll protect me!"
Several minutes later she came out of Pret a Manger with food for herself and water for this beautiful soulful dog.
"Do you live around here?" she asked.
"Brookline," I said. "I'm here for an appointment with my chiropractor."
"I went to school there.... I went to BC."
"Oh my goodness me too. I got my Masters in Social Work there."
"Do you still do social work now?"
"No I'm a writer."
We paused in the conversation ....
"Do you write novels?"
"No I write poetry and I wrote my memoirs about my journey.." and the conversation flowed with Brittany Wilton, a personal trainer and a woman overflowing with joy and enthusiasm believing in what is possible beyond appearances to the contrary. Her energy and whole persona was infectious and swept me away.
"Can I take a photo with you? I'd love to promote your book on social media!"
She boldly asked another patron at Pret to take our photo.

She posted this on Facebook and Instagram:
Today I got to meet Mary McManus. I ran into Pret to get breakfast after teaching flywheel and asked if she would mind watching @a_malamute_laylamae while I ran in. When I came back out we began to talk. She got her masters at BC and anytime I meet a fellow BC goer I love to talk....Little did I know I would be so blown away by this woman. Mary had polio at the age of 5 and was later diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease in 2006. Using a cane and a wheelchair for mobility, she was told she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She decided she wasn’t going to listen. She became a writer and wrote poetry and began to visualize herself running. She started to work with a trainer. After six months of working together, she told her trainer her goal was to enjoy a walk outside.... in 2009 she ran the Boston Marathon at the age of 55. Mary is a motivational speaker and Author. Along with her poetry wrote a memoir. I feel so lucky I had the opportunity to meet her.
After her social media posts, we discovered we have 3 friends in common!
A is for Amazing when we take the time to trust, to connect and be surprised by the beautiful tapestry woven by the hand of the Divine!
From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route.
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