Imagine your doctor tells you that on MRI your knee is in such bad shape that you are going to need a total knee replacement in a few years. He goes on to say that you need to stop running OR at the very least cap your distance at a 5K. Your cartilage is shredded. You have bone spurs, a fatty lipoma, and degenerative changes from reconstructive leg surgery and osteoarthritis. He refers you to a physical therapist who is the physical therapist from hell.
What do you do?
That's what happened to me in December of 2014.
Once again in my healing journey from the effects of paralytic polio and trauma I got still and listened for the promptings of Spirit.
I was led to Dr. Ryan, a chiropractor who believed, as I do, in the body's tremendous capacity for healing.

He led me to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and I double downed on my healing. Dr. Ryan partnered with me using kinesiotaping, Gastroc technique, chiropractic and prescribed a wonderful cross training/strength training routine that I continue to use today increasing the challenge as the program gets too easy for me.
By March I was back on the roads and my poetry ignited my imagination to be able to run swift, with ease and unencumbered.
From "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life":
Paving the Path of Freedom
Frivolous frolicking filly be not deceived by her devil may care
eye of the tiger a fiery soul exceeding all limits she’ll dare.
She pounds pavement paving her way no longer driven by fright
portal to possibility all she’s ever dreamed of now within sight.
Thunderous hooves determined unbecoming all that she once knew
leave her old self in the dust shedding past of all she lived through.
pave the way to embrace herself as she was always meant to be
spirit joyful rejoicing being herself unbridled she’s free.
Competing with no one but herself instinctively she quickens pace
no longer limping swift of foot overflowing with ease and grace.
Feeling Spirit expanding nostrils flare and peace fills her soul
filled with goodness and kindness undefeated remarkably whole.
"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them." -Marcus Aurelius
Born to Run
Born free
born to run
run free
unencumbered untethered unshackled
pouring energy into my running form
liquid gold once fired in the crucible
now my treasure born of my Spirit molded with alchemy
my precious treasure once buried
the map safely tucked away
X marks the spot
a new starting line.
Poised and ready
to go the distance
all out without hesitation
all is healed at last
my pace swift
Mercury and Hermes pace me on winged feet
born to run
running free
joyfully crossing the finish line with ease.
From "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953":
Anthony Raynor and Clarence Smith had me at hello at the Bermuda Marathon Weekend Booth at the Finish at the 50 Expo. Tom started chatting with Clarence "Stoker" Smith. I hung back but cocked an ear to the conversation. I gingerly eyed the pink Bermuda wrist bands, the bling from Bermuda Marathon Weekend races and the samples of pink sand. I glanced at Tom and felt we each had a tug at our souls. The tug got stronger with each moment we talked with Clarence and Anthony. We reminisced about when we went to Bermuda. I felt goosebumps and a warm feeling come over me, while a part of me was wondering why was I even having this conversation about running in Bermuda. Several months ago I was told to cap my distance and prepare for a total knee replacement.
“If you can get up to the Half Marathon distance, you’ll be better off than running the 10K with all of its steep hills,” Anthony said in his delicious Bermudian accent.
“The last time I was in Bermuda I was in a leg brace using a cane and a wheelchair.”
Clarence's wife said, "Look at you now girl."
There was no stopping me now. We exchanged information. Clarence told us he'd pick us up at the airport. I chatted with Anthony about the weather in January.
"Look," he said with a deep warm laugh, "I was told you people still have piles of snow near the Seaport Hotel from this past winter. I can guarantee you this. You will have no snow in Bermuda in January."
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.” ~Mark Twain
It was time to sail away from safe harbor and go the distance again. This time on the magical Island of Bermuda.
“Running is about finding your inner peace and so is a life well lived. Run with your heart.” ~Dean Karnazes
And so it was!
Tom and I proudly showed off our bling after Bermuda Marathon Weekend 2016 at the airport on our way back to Boston:

I wasn't a one hit wonder and went on to run Bermuda 2017 and 2018! We ran Bermuda and we ran happy! Well except for when I cramped up at mile 10 in 2017 and ended up in the medical tent but quickly recovered!
I'm still running but choosing 5K's rather than having a limit imposed by a doctor. I grew new cartilage, a new gastroc muscle, dissolved bone spurs and in essence, replaced my injured left knee with a healthy knee all through the power of my mind, chiropractic care and cross training/strength training.
And why do I keep running and working out now improving my pace, (after having focused on endurance at the 13.1 distance for 4 years) challenging myself at the age of 65 years old...because ....

From my heart to yours
In Health and Wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at www.marymcmanus.com
Hear my interview with Kendra Petrone on Magic 106.7's Exceptional Women Show by following this link
My books are available on Amazon and at Paper Fiesta in Natick on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon route.
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