Marathon Monday
It's Marathon Monday, it's my day to shine
with husband and daughter poised at starting line.
I know I can do this - there's no way to faila
tethered to God through this race I can sail.
For over a year, we've trained from our heart
mind, body, spirit - we're ready to start.
We know the course and we know the terrain
we're primed for the challenge - we know they'll be pain.
The glory's far greater than what we may face
we're living examples of God's shining Grace.
Shake out all the nerves - there's nothing to fear
let in all the love from the crowds as they cheer.
With prayers and angels our feet feel so light
Joy overflowing the finish in sight.
We conquered the course fueled by love in our heart
the race had been won blessed by God from the start.

I recorded an interview yesterday at Magic 106.7 as part of their award winning Exceptional Women radio show with Kendra Petrone. I've had wonderful interviews throughout the past 10 years sharing my journey but yesterday's interview with Kendra was all heart.
She asked me how I started running and I realized that I never planned to start running! I've often talked about the first poem I wrote, "Running the Race" which foreshadowed my 2009 Boston Marathon run but in yesterday's interview came to the profound awareness that it was something I was called and destined to do.
Kendra was enthralled with my journey, truly eager to find out how I was able to accomplish going from a wheelchair to the finish line of the Boston Marathon and, how I was able to overcome the severe challenges of my youth.
I was delighted to reflect on my healing odyssey and celebrate the 10 year anniversary of when I ran the Boston Marathon.
When I first started running, I ran with my mind and I ran with my heart and soul, for that is where my desire to run the Boston Marathon was born and where the seeds of possibility to transform and heal my life were planted.
As I trained, visualized and watched Run, Forrest Run a thousand times over along with other running movies and inspirational YouTube running videos, and wrote poetry about my journey on the road to Boston, my body responded.
I invite you to tune into to Magic 106.7 Sunday morning at 7:30am and stream live on your laptop or use the radio.com app on your phone as I share my journey on the Exceptional Women show. It will also be available on line after it airs.
To all of my friends running Boston on Monday remember:

To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours
Be sure to visit my website by following this link and at Paper Fiesta on Mile 10 of the Boston Marathon Route in Natick, Mass.
My books are available on Amazon.

“The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953” takes you on Mary McManus’ healing odyssey from a wheelchair to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond. After the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome in December 2006, Mary got still and asked for Divine Guidance tapping into the powerful connection she experienced to the Divine from an early age. She harnessed the power of her mind to heal her body, feverishly writing poetry in which she imagined herself healthy, whole and free from the shackles of her youth. Mary’s quest to heal her life led her to the sport of running. Her story is one that will leave you cheering for the underdog, discovering the meaning of different ability and experiencing the stunning view from the back of the pack of a race. You will have the privilege of bearing witness to how Mary overcame every challenge that life presented to her. The sport of running provides the backdrop for her journey of transformation from a survivor of childhood paralytic polio and severe trauma at the hands of family members to a woman who embodies faith, grace under fire, courage, determination, endurance and resilience. Running became a way of life for Mary that tested her mettle while forging friendships to last a lifetime. As you’ll discover in “The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953” nothing, not even a serious knee injury in December of 2014 could stop her on the roads or in her life.
Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life

Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing Hope and Possibility that chronicles the first 7 years of my healing journey:

Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance (With a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen):

My healing journey using the power of visualization is featured in David R. Hamilton's book, "How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body-Anniversary Edition." It's available on Amazon.
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